Book Review

‘A Nutrition Compendium,’ compiled by Sharleene Sherwin, Emanuel & Lyn Viscusi, and Doris Yokelson. Delhi: Ruhani Satsang, 1972. 32 pp., 50 cents.

This little book is a treasure-chest of useful, practical information for those embarking on the vegetarian diet. Information is given on how to get a balanced diet which supplies all the necessary nutrients, where to obtain foods, useful cookbooks, what foods to avoid, and helpful suggestions on how to combine and prepare foods. There is even a recipe for vegetarian dog food.

Many relevant quotes from the Master’s writings on diet are gathered here, and one feels His common sense as well as His Great Love emanating from its pages.

With the labyrinth of conflicting theories on diet which the Spiritual Aspirant is likely to come across, the Nutrition Compendium is a refreshing help in eating to live.

Judith Perkins