The greatest Complaint of all Times

Everyone these days tries to put the blame or fault for his ills on the ‘time’ and this complaint is the greatest complaint of all times. The present time as well as the time to come is no more ours than the time past. This world is a huge magnetic field and the more we strive to get out of it, the more are we caught and entangled in the meshes. Man dances in the net and thinks that nobody sees him. The wise feel the net but do not know where to sit easy. Thus, silently and ceaselessly revolves the huge fly-wheel of the karmic mill. The giant Wheel of Life pounding to peaces all alike. This mill of Nature grinds all slowly but surely. Some feel and say: ‘It appears that Nature made man and than broke the mould.’

Kirpal Singh


Source: ‘The Wheel of Life – IV. The Way of Saints,’ by Kirpal Singh, 1894–1974.