
Even so, be not discouraged, do not give up. Open your heart to love; turn your back to envy. Seek joy within yourself, and do not suffer pain if all at once, time, place and chance conspire against you.

Whatever saddens you, whatever gladdens you, all is preordained. Accept your fate; have no regrets. Do what must be done, and ere it is demanded. What you can hope for that will be born.

How man laments, how man rejoices! His fortune and misfortune He forges them himself. Face everything; all is within yourself. Let go your vain illusion. Before proceeding further, withdraw within yourself.

He who is master of himself and over his ego can reign, the whole wide world and all in it are under His domain.

Paul Fleming (1609–1640)


Footnote: A German poem translated by Sasha Kramer of New York.