Wisdom of the Ages

Here are some of the verities of life which are eternally true. Let us take one for cogitation each day and try to reflect the truth of it in our life. We have, of course, to guard against making an alloy of it by a subtle admixture, traducing it to suit our own commonplace convenience.


  1. The way of non-violence and Truth is sharp as the razor’s edge.

  2. It is discipline and restraint that separate us from the brute.

  3. Happiness depends on what you can give, and not what you can get.

  4. The Kingdom of God is within you.

  5. No man is completely born until he is dead.

  6. Our duty is to make an effort. It does not matter if we fail.

  7. Love God, and in Love find the fulfilment of your life.

  8. That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit.

  9. As the body is purified with water, so is the mind purified by truthfulness.

  10. There is no guarantee for life. Time for death is drawing nearer.

  11. We are Sat, Chit and Anand.

  12. God speaks through a Sadh.

  13. What is there in the quest of God, transplant the mind and see it all.

  14. Oh Merciful Lord! Graciously grant us the lighted dust from the feet of the Saints.

  15. We are imprisoned in this body.

  16. Life and death are under no one’s control.

  17. One religion is as true as other.

  18. Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost.

  19. The seeker after Truth should be humbler than the dust.

  20. Unto the pure all things are pure.

  21. The Truth shall make you free.

  22. Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

  23. Blessed are they who know and whose knowledge is free from delusion and superstition.

  24. We realise the truth of our freedom only on moments of silence.

  25. Love is the only reality.

  26. Hear the other side.

  27. Into Thy hands I command my spirit.

  28. Tolerance gives us Spiritual Insight.

  29. Religions are different roads emerging upon the same point.

  30. Who rises from prayer a better man, his prayer is answered.

  31. So little done, so much to do.