Satvik Mode of Life

by David Huges

It is said that when the Living Master speaks, He is always saying the same thing. There is a unity in His words which we cannot grasp, but can appreciate in the course of time.

In our daily lives, there is the element of satvapurity – which He wants us to have. All of the rules and commandments that we have been given are designed to produce this one thing, a satvik mode of life.

It is the ground on which the building of Spirituality may be raised.

On the one hand we must avoid certain things, and by avoiding these things we serve the seed sown in us in a very real way. And participating in certain activities also brings in the same blessing of satva.

As the initiate grows in Love, understanding Love more and more, he learns quickly how difficult it is to equate praise with Love. Praise harms. The man of satva does not wish to put anyone on a pedestal, either in thoughts or in words, because he feels that this would harm that person just as surely as he would be harmed if he were to put himself on a pedestal. One can see this in one’s own daily life. This is an aspect of ahimsa which cannot be overlooked. Furthermore, it is an aspect of Satyam, truthfulness.

Tell only that much of the Truth as will not go to harm.

Some schools of thought teach that by praising others, we are apt to gain those life qualities which we praise. It is just the Law of Karma. But in karma one man’s gain is another’s loss.

Karma is of the nature of matter … It penetrates the soul because of its interplay with the matter without.

Don’t praise; no one can be described as he really is. This is satva on a subtle level.

On a tangible level also, there are the injunctions not to take, but to give lovingly. Man thinks that he can take a life and eat the flesh, and that by paying a farmer, the debt is squared. He is also under the mysterious delusion that sex is free, but Saints say, no, the Life-Principle is sustaining all these things and payment will have to be made. It is the little self in us which would be held to account. We just don’t know what is happening to the Overself during these times. We lose just as if telling Inner Experiences.

A satvik mode of life is not perfect in itself, but a perfect man cannot be without it. Nearly all the scriptural texts say this. A satvik mode of life and the Master’s Grace would give us permanent access to the realms of higher and nobler life.