Musik of the Spheres

by Betty Shifflett

‘East is east and West is west and never the twain shall meet,’ in former times could be applied to science versus religion as well as to the eastern and western hemispheres, but this is past history. The Great Spiritual Teachers through the ages have known the Inner Secrets and have told us in their various ways the fundamental principles of life. However, as we did not have the key, we were not cognisant of their meaning and material science because of its use of mind stuff could not go beyond what it could prove in the scientific laboratories.

Material science now knows that the basic creative and cohesive principle in all life is music, harmony, rhythm, grander and more beautiful than the human being ordinarily can hear or ever dream of; that the human body is composed of Octillion atoms each one of them a solar system in itself, its nucleus being a brilliant, minute sun with luminous bodies – electrons – revolving continually about this centre and in comparison there is immense space in between the electrons; that moving in this space between and with the electrons are ripples and waves and that if one listens with special instruments one hears a humming which when intensified by the proper hearing aid becomes the overwhelming music of a vast symphony. It appears that material science does not as yet understand the inherent nature of these waves except that they seem to be the power and intelligence that causes the electrons to combine in various ways and produce the myriad forms in creation from the lowest of the mineral kingdom to the highest, man.1 Truly things are not what they seem to the finite mind.

In the summer of 1955, a Great Saint and Christ-like Man, Satguru Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj toured Europe and the United States of America, bringing to the West the message Man, know thyself given forth as by all the great teachers through the ages. He says that man, if he understands himself and the world in which he lives, must enter into the laboratory of the human body: that the microcosm or the human body is planned on the model of the macrocosm; that there is an Inner Music, Shabd, or the Word and, It can be heard with the finer ear of man without any instrument; that this music is unutterably sweet increasing in its beauty as man tunes into ascending levels of consciousness as he draws nearer the great, creative principle or Creator of all life, God, and that man is also Light.2

The noble teacher, Jesus of Nazareth said:

If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of Light.

This statement, like many others has not been understood. Many ancient and sacred writings such as the ‘Upanishads,’ the ‘Bhagavad Gita’ as well as Great Teachers like Kabir, Guru Nanak and others, agree that there is a point in the human body – behind and between the two eye brows – termed the Single Eye, and if man will concentrate his attention there and still the mind under the guidance of a Competent Master Who has already traversed the Inner Way, he will see the Light and hear the Sound. He will thus be enabled to step within upon the straight and narrow way that leads to All Knowledge.

Did not St John say:

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of man. And the Light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not?

Here is revealed that when God the Absolute became God-into-expression, creation was brought forth by Sound and Light, and this is the wondrous, luminous, symphonic ocean in which we live, move and have our being.

As one compares the various religions with this understanding as the key one can see the same unifying Truth threading through all. Satguru Kirpal Singh speaks of religion as the science of the soul, a practical science which can be proved by anyone willing to give the time and follow the right rules, and states that this science is as accurate as any material science.

There are many who hear this explanation of the science of the soul and accept it as true for it rings true to them individually, but many, like Thomas in the Christian Bible, must have things backed up, as it were, by material science. And now, as far as the latter science has gone, there is perfect agreement with the science of the soul as to the Creative Principle or God-into-expression-Power sustaining all life. Music has long been looked upon as the language of the soul. It is said that music has charm to tame the savage beast, and how thrilling to know that not only is man music, but all creation is one grand symphony.

For those who are anxious to delve quickly and deeply into the secrets of creation without the slow trial and error method of material science, with its limitations, there is now revealed to the world those close-held and little understood teachings of the Masters. This science of the soul under the guidance of a Godman enables individuals to transcend the bodily vesture and see and hear for themselves the wondrous substance of which they are made and all that was made, so that for them no longer will the Light shine in darkness and the darkness comprehend it not.

Truly man must modernise his thinking, accepting the fact that within himself is music which will enable him to rise above body consciousness as he becomes attuned therewith and understands this sublime symphony as the Living Water of Life imbibing which he will never thirst.

Science and religion now have a bridge that enables the smoking of the Pipe of Peace and the merging of all differences in the rhythmic and audible Life-Stream. Looking and listening in the scientific laboratory and in the laboratory of the human body will open for humanity in this atomic age such superb vistas that stagger the imagination and beckon the prodigal son to hasten homeward reclaiming the birthright of dominion so ignorantly sold for the mess of pottage of mind and maya. Thus, at last understanding himself and all creation man will seek in awe and humility to blend with the fountainhead from which stems this primordial Melody of Creation, the Music of the Spheres.


Footnote: 1) ‘Harmonic Dimensions of Nature,’ by Donald H. Andrews. 2) ‘Man, know thyself’ and ‘Naam or Word,’ by Kirpal Singh.