From the Editor’s Desk

With a deep sense of gratefulness to the Almighty, we have great pleasure to announce that with the blessing of the Master, Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj, Ruhani Satsang, Delhi, will now publish in English Sat Sandesh, the Message of Truth or the Message of the Masters. Already we have two organs – one in Hindi and another in Urdu – for the dissemination among the people of the thoughts and teachings of the Master. As there has been persistent demand from the English-knowing people in the West as well as in the East for Sat Sandesh in English, it is thought fit to cater to their needs by introducing a new series in this form.

The teachings of the Master are well known all the world over. As President of the World Fellowship of Religions from its very inception in 1957, He has travelled extensively in the East and West, carrying the Divine Message of Truth, as given by Baba Sawan Singh and all other Masters.

Know thyself and know thy God,

is His ever recurring theme and,

how to do it practically,

is what He teaches, demonstrates and reveals to those who come in contact with Him.

The Master belongs to the world and the world belongs to Him. All religions are His and yet He stands aside from all religious rigours and doctrinal dogmas. The various socio-religions, as we have them today, provide ethical and moral bases which, more or less, are common to all and it is on these essential unities underlying them that the Master builds the golden edifice of Spirituality, no matter wheresoever and howsoever the different religions originated and what man has made of them after the passing away of their founders. Leaving the fossilised rigidities and encrustations brought about by time, He strikes at the live roots beneath them and places the Eternal Values of life – self-realisation and God-Realisation – before the public, making them more and more as fresh and fragrant as they were when founded centuries ago – elastic, eclectic and vibrant with life.

Spirituality in its intrinsic essence is the mother of all faiths and religions. It is not an institution nor a creed nor does it call for blind faith. Seeing is believing and this direct and immediate experience is above all knowledge: bookish, intellectual or otherwise. True Knowledge is had by the soul in a transport or rapport and is independent of the senses. It embraces in its fold the totality of His Being. How to get at it in the laboratory of the man-body is the only objective for which Ruhani Satsang stands and invites all, irrespective of individual religious beliefs and territorial affinities to their customary and institutionalised modes of living, fixed, as they are, on considerations physical, geographical, ethnological and the like. Without entering into intricate metaphysical complexities and philosophical polemics, the Master simply helps one to rediscover in one’s self the strands of life now lost in the mighty swirl of the world and ceaseless activity on the plane of the senses; making each one truly religious in one’s own religion, whatever it be.

To establish a common forum where people of different religions could meet had always been the desire of the Great Master, Hazur Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj, and we have now the much-needed common ground in Sawan Ashram, named after that Great Sage. It has centres all the world over and countless people are deriving Spiritual Benefit from its founder director – Sant Kirpal Singh – Whose service to the cause of Spirituality has been recognised throughout the world.

May the blessings of Hazur help us in this venture and help all seekers of Truth, for that is our fervent desire.