Questions answered

The Master receives from devotees queries on various aspects of Spirituality. These may be personal or academic, but the Master’s answers have universal appeal for Spiritual Aspirants. We reproduce here some of the questions and answers from the Master’s latest book ‘Spiritual Elixir’ for the benefit of our readers.

Question: Must we forgive all who have wronged us before we die in order to progress on the higher planes after death?

Answer: We should learn to forgive and forget. This is a golden principle of life for attaining peace and harmony so very much helpful for having a calm and contemplative mood, which in turn will bless us with successful meditations. He who forgives is twice blessed. Taking revenge is cowardice, but forgiving the lapses of others is an act of virtuous nobility. The initiates are advised to take stock of their karma everyday before retiring to see whether, during the course of their working day, they have incurred anybody’s displeasure or have wronged anybody. If so, they should repent and pray for Divine Grace. Similarly, if others have in one way or the other done any harm to them, they should be forgiven in the name of the Master. There is a very good example in the Bible, where it is said that before one stands for prayer, he should forgive the lapses or shortcomings of his brother who has wronged him, so that the Father in Heaven may condone his shortcomings. Evidently, we must inculcate such a sense of forgiveness by daily practice. We must forgive all who have wronged us before we depart from this earth-plane, which will he helpful for our soul’s progress on the Inner Planes.


Question: Should I avoid, if possible, those who., because of their worldly ways and negative vibrations, cause me to suffer; especially prolonged contacts?

Answer: A man is known by the company he keeps. It is the association which moulds our character, and the Spiritual Aspirants should be careful in keeping a keen vigil. The worldly minded people are usually engrossed in physical and sensual pleasures and their activities affect the Spiritual Aspirant adversely. You should know that yours is the Way into the Beyond whereas the worldly-wise have their own ambitions of sense gratification. You should carefully avoid uncongenial society in the larger interests of your Spiritual Progress. Even the reading of obscene literature affects adversely, and, as such, should be avoided scrupulously.


Question: Do we, as Satsangis, have a special aim or responsibility?

Answer: Well, as initiates, we have taken on a duty. And with duty there is a definite responsibility. A member of the Ruhani Satsang takes upon himself the most important and the most difficult task in the world i.e., enabling himself and his fellow beings to attain self-knowledge and God-knowledge. Thus our aim is knowledge of the beyond. The science of the soul seeks to make the human soul One with God by transcending the physical, the astral and the causal planes of existence. It is therefore quite independent. Outer forms and ceremonies, rites, rituals, sacrifices, fasts, vigils or pilgrimages, are outer practices called Apara Vidya. In our Satsangs we should not mix up the science of the beyond with any other kind of movement which deals with something other than this science. So our main aim of life is to know ourselves and to know God. We must never waver from this and in every action we do, we must consider whether it takes us nearer to or farther away from our ideal, and our responsibility is to set a good example for all.


Question: Is a disciplined initiate one who attends Satsangs regularly, adheres to the vegetarian diet and devotes time to practices with due regard to self-introspection?

Answer: Yes, these are the cardinal virtues of a disciplined initiate which should be inculcated and assimilated in a state of loving humility.


Question: With many social problems, facing mankind, should we attempt to study these through higher education and research during the day and spent our late hours in meditation; or, can we turn our backs on these problems and concern ourselves with our search for God?

Answer: The disciplined initiates should endeavour to discharge their worldly duties as a matter of routine to the best of their ability, but with serene detachment. God-Realisation should be considered as the only matter of great importance, and all other matters should be attended to seriously, if necessary, so as to grant you an Inner Satisfaction of having done your part well.