The Master Way

by Walt Baptiste

There are many paths to yoga, but where truly do these various paths lead to? They all do lead, at long last, to the centre of all Truth – the Feet of the Master. No yoga can take you further than this even though yoga takes you farther into God than all other methods known to mankind. The highest place that all right effort, your greatest prayers, and your highest rewards will give you is that wondrous place at the Feet of the True Master.

There comes that time when you are given, above and beyond all your efforts, what you can earn or create for yourself. Spirituality is a happening, the result of the Love you have realised in the Master. A moment of His glance, thought and Love will give you more than all your lifetime of labour. This is so because this is the way that it is and always will be. Preceding God-Realisation we must practise the yogas of right action, good thinking, self-control, more Love, health and emotional evenness because these lead us to the yoga that is a union with the Divine and Spiritual Consciousness of the Master, that is, a light and a spirit exceeding what a person can do for himself. We must have a place where we may freely die before dying to all that we are, have been, or hope for and strive to be. To serve the Master for one hour can reward you more than serving the world in anyway, no matter what way, for your whole lifetime.

The greatest Love you can know, in all the loves of your worldly experience, is but a dwarf in comparison to the Love that you may know when you are loved by the Master. To have His affection is to know a protection, if He so wishes for you, that no peril can take away. If you have not found the Master within, you have not and will not find God. If you deny the Master, you are denying God for God and the Master are the same. To know the Master is to find your Self … your True Self. To fail the Master is to fail your Self. And when you have risen above body consciousness in your meditation – when you have prayed and asked to be taken to your God – who is there, to be there for you as your guide when you have left this world to explore and learn from Inner Worlds except the Master – the True Master Who knows the way.

All else fades away, having no further meaning; the false dissolves away for the Reality and your True Master is there with you, in the within of the Within. Here the false prophet knows not and cannot be. There are many facts of life which only the Master can provide and since it is above the imagination and imitation of false teachers, they are left behind and seen for what they are worth, for there is Master-guidance belonging only to the One Who is a True Master. No one can pretend or assume anything in the company of the Master. Reality of being is the only thing that gets by or the disciple continually shows himself up as the cheater to himself. For, at long last, with the Master we are faced with Reality and all the materiality will, in His perfect presence, pretend and excuse itself no longer. The falseness in humanity cannot stand up to the Master because the effort focusses the person on the Great Spirit that is there. This moment is a moment where the perfection of the self is caught up by the perfect perfection of the Master-consciousness in this miracle that is always natural for every honest person in the atmosphere of the True Teacher, identify and relate to yet a greater Truth than its own conditioned perfection. After this, the entire process of the living, will be the miracle of rebirth – each day will be a conscious dying to what was – for once having tasted the ultimate Truth, it cannot be the same again until liberation is won, and naturally so.

And most beautiful is life – because no matter how scholars and the egoistic intellects of people and those who would cheat their own progress by pretensions of the religious life – only the actual ‘experience’ can tell and show the True Nature of the Spiritual Master. Only the actual ‘experience’ with a True Master can save and emancipate you to the breaking of the chains that bind you to the adventure of quickened conscious evolution, returning you back to the priceless treasures of your True Home of the original Mother and Father of all life and being. There is no government, no politics, no university that has shared or will share with you the credits, benefits, knowledge and heart of the Master. For these reasons, the greatest quest – the Holy Grail – is to seek and find the Master and so serve Him according to His directs that you win the Light that is in the eye of His heart upon you that you may walk in His Ways upon the earth.