From the Editor’s Desk

‘To be or not to be’ is the greatest problem in life. But how many of us pay heed to this problem? Very few indeed do it and fewer give any serious thought to it. It may be due to our natural lack of interest for a problem that is not of this world – the world which is too much with us, and we live getting and spending for most part of our life.

However, one may try to avoid it and turn one’s blind eye to the dire need to recognise God as the greatest fact in God’s creation and the need for man to know and understand and to live God in every day life, one cannot do so indefinitely for any length of time. There comes a stage, at one time or another, when one, impelled by his helplessness and hopelessness, is forced to pause and to ponder over situations that seem to engulf and throw one overboard in the vortex of life. At moments like these, one is obliged to think for one’s self and take a stock of his thoughts and notions on the values of life.

The panorama of life is always in a state of continuous flux – moving, ever moving, along with the current of time. It has no stability and no permanence for matter is always changing and changing from moment to moment. Our outer self, the tabernacle of flesh too is a part of the material world and along with it is subject to birth, growth, adolescence, disease, decay and ultimate dissolution called death – death of the flesh. And yet in us there is the age-old Inner Self, the charioteer that survives the chariot, defies time, space and causation. This Inner Self ever shines in its own splendour and is called the Shining One, shining through the ages and through all the vicissitudes of time.

The outer man and the Inner Man are two disparate entities – the one material and the other non-material. How the two have come to be linked together? There is a Power greater than any one on earth that holds such divergent and diversified entities so as to make a harmonious whole wherein all things differ and yet agree. It is the Power and Spirit of God that works that miracle. It is harmony alone that can produce harmonious tunes out of discordant notes – material and spiritual. Herein lies the choice of man – to be and not to be. One has to choose and accept the world or the Word, the flesh or the Spirit. The choice is his. A man of flesh cannot tread the Path of the spirit for one is of the corruptible seed and the other of seed incorruptible. And yet it is given to man, while living in the flesh, to develop his latent potential in him to outgrow the limitations of the flesh against the background of the Light of Life in him.

If one decides and determines to be of the Spirit, he is sure to outsoar the shadows of the night and walk in Godly splendour, clothed in God’s Light. All this is possible and within the reach of man if he is able to take a firm hold of some Godman, a Human Pole on and through which the Godpower works in fullness to fulfil His own purpose and plan, to write, to reveal Himself to those Who aspire for Him. Without an active aid and guidance of God clothed in the vile garb of man to suffer woe, one living on the plane of the senses all the time can do nothing by himself. It is, therefore, rightly said –

God Himself hath decreed that without the Godman as revelator, He canst not be revealed.