My Vision

Dear Editor

While I waited for consent from the Master, Sant Kirpal Singh Ji, to be initiated, I stood one evening in the kitchen and closed my eyes in meditation. Just a few moments of silence and the Master appeared to me. He was blessing the people who were there in the bright sun. He walked to the edge of the grounds and told me:

Yes, you have been accepted.

I heard a horn blow in my right ear. The vibration of sound caused some pain for a second.

When Mr T.S. Khanna wrote and sent the date of my initiation I told him about the vision of the Master while I waited to hear from him.

The day of my initiation, the Master appeared to me in view from the head to shoulders. After that it was vision after vision. I remember each one clearly as if they appeared last night. Each different, I will not go into each experience. Golden Light. Next time there sat on a mountain in the Himalayas a group of men in a circle as if meditating. The vision appears, while you go into the secret place of the Most High, which is the temple of the Living God. This is within yourself, sitting quietly with your eyes closed. Love to the Master and all Satsangis.

Philadelphia, PA –
Minnie Clark


Cleanse the chamber of thy heart that thy Beloved may enter.

Tulsi Sahib