Greatest Gift of God

Dear Editor

Living Perfect Master of His time and age is the be-all and end-all on the Spiritual Path. He is the Greatest Gift of God and the greatest blessing for mankind. All the scriptures sing praises of the Master of Truth holding a commission from above to help those souls that truly yearn for God.

It is a fundamental law of God that none can even think of Him without the aid of a Master-Soul. The importance and necessity of a Competent Master therefore cannot be over emphasised.

At the time of my ‘initiation’ the gracious Master Satguru Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj – Shabd personified – by His Grace drew me up to the eye centre where His Love gave Light and Sound – God-into-expression-Power. Therefore, seeing and hearing is believing.

To be a disciple of the Living Master is the highest blessing.

Toronto (Canada) –
W.B. Rattray