Food for Spiritual Life

by Dr. Dona G. Kelley

Before entering into any discussion on food, let us think of human body, the most wonderful, creative, complex piece of machinery civilisation has ever known. No piece of machinery can or will ever surpass the creative work called man, for it was devised and created by the Greatest of all scientists – God – after His own image.

This body is a system of complete pieces of machinery, each one fulfilling its own function and all necessary to each other. Not one small part of the body can be taken away, without injuring or disrupting the harmonious work of the body as a whole. To function as a whole, man has to be filled with vital life, glorious and uplifting. Mind, body and spirit, must be a balanced combination of rhythm.

In the beginning, every human being was created whole, but as the mind of man took control over spirit and allowed the Adamic forces to rule, mind and body degenerated until mind became more and more confused and the body diseased and a channel through which to satisfy the lusts and passions of man.

When these three parts of man become separated and mind, body and spirit are out of balance, man loses his creative birthright.

First, spirit must control mind. Secondly, mind must control the body. Then, are we capable of rising above body consciousness, to tap inside to know ourselves – who are we, what are we? We will then work to make our physical bodies fit habitation for the spirit.

This is by no means easy, after we have once descended into the Adamic state of being. But it is the purpose of life to force us to find our way back to this perfect trinity of life. By regarding our bodies as channels for the Living God or Spirit, we take the first step towards fulfilling that purpose. When we sincerely believe this, we will not want to pollute our bodies with unclean foods that putrefy and poison the body, filling it with desires of passion and greed.

Let us learn to exercise control on our desires and feed our bodies with live, vital foods, which nourish, cleanse and purify, not only making us clean in our body, but clean in thought and mind.

The grosser the foods – dead foods together with the poisons disguised as preservatives under the label of ‘foods’ that we put into our bodies – the more vicious, more animalistic, becomes the nature of man. Therefore, one living a Spiritual Life must consider his basic food habits.

When we live on nature’s vital storehouse of clean, living, growing fruit, vegetables and nuts, we become refined, kindlier and simpler. We begin to reach out for a greater knowledge of life. We will then begin to control our minds, for it is through the mind that the Adamic forces are controlled and through which spirit will penetrate and awaken all forces of the Living God in all His majesty and Glory.

Nature has provided us with every thing the human family needs. Fruit and vegetables, nuts and herbs for healing and seasoning.

The human body was not made to eat and digest animal flesh, which putrefies and causes toxic poisoning in the body. Animal flesh is already dead and filled with the poisons that flooded the being of the animal or bird, when being led to the slaughter house or was being pursued by man intent upon killing. The animals are so created that they too react under the stimuli of fear, as does the human family. Fear creates one of the worst poisons.

So from that standpoint alone – without considering karmic effects –, man should cease to eat the flesh of animals. Undigested, it becomes putrefied and becomes a seething mass of germs and decay in the body of man. Animal flesh is not necessary to the wellbeing of life, as many vegetarians can testify. However, there is one point which must be stressed. Even in the vegetarian way of life, we must learn to maintain balance. All of nature is balance. A man’s whole purpose of life is to learn to know himself, maintain balance, so that body, mind and spirit are in harmony.

Man must learn to balance his foods properly in order to supply the various organs and functions of the body with the right kind of fuel. Many vegetarians fall short of feeding their bodies a balanced food diet.

When we absorb this one fact and can ponder on it, awakening our consciousness to the full significance of this one great truth of nature – which is balance –, we are ready to seek, learn and maintain the working principle of the Spiritual Laws.