Letter from Princess D. Narendra

Washington, 28 June 1955

Dear Satsang

I hope that this letter finds you and the rest in perfect health and happiness. The latter, I think, is ill placed here for as long as our much loved Lord is away it is, I should say, well nigh impossible to have any peace of mind whatsoever. Though we all know that He is always with us spiritually, but to see, feel and know that He is near us physically is a thing which gives us so much happiness that it elates you in the highest form of bliss, so I will not even try to endeavour, what you all must be going through, but if it is of any consolation to you all, the Master feels for you too, the only difference being that He feels a thousand times more than what you can ever imagine. As He says, every action has a reaction – so it is – and more in validity in this case than in any other. You might only feel that your heart is being wrenched away from you in His separation but the Beloved Lord has really taken out His heart and has left it with you all, for I have seen tears flow from His eyes when reading some of the letters from India. You all are bearing this great pain of His separation but He can not bear to see you in this unhappy state – so be happy in the knowledge that He is more with you than with those who are physically with Him.

How I will try and give you some of the happenings within the last few days: every day, of course, there is meditation sittings from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Satsang is held in the evenings. From the 21st to the 25th of June a series of talks were given at the Friends’ Meeting House from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. At every meeting the House was very nearly full and people listened very attentively to all He said – the subjects of the talks were as follows:

  • 21st – True Values of Life

  • 22nd – How we forgot our True Self and our Inner Eyes ceased to see the Light of God and Inner Ears ceased to Hear the Voice of God

  • 23rd – What is Mind and how it can be controlled and what is the Naam or the Holy Word

  • 24th – What is a Master and how can we recognise Him

  • 25th – A comparative Study of various Yogas. What is Surat Shabd Yoga

The 26th was Initiation Day – 40 men and women were initiated. In between these regular meditations and talks and interviews, I will give you a brief sketch of the Master’s activities in Washington from the 20th.

On the 20th morning after the meditation, the Master along with Mrs Dona Kelly, Mr and Mrs Khanna, their two sons, Mr Lovell, Tai Ji and I – all went with Mr Nigaro to a sort of a retreat for those who want to snatch a few days, rest from this busy life. It was a beautiful peaceful house called by the name of ‘House of Blessing’ in Hamilton, Virginia about 65 odd miles from here. Lunch was arranged there by a Mrs Blizabeth Bolea – we left the place about 4:30 p.m. On His return from this place at 8:00 p.m., the Master gave a talk out on the lawn, for it was unusually hot to sit inside.

On the 24th He went to the Emerson Radio Company to approve and buy and tape recorder for India.

On the 25th at 11:00 a.m. He went and had His throat seen by a throat specialist. At 3:30 p.m. He left for the television station for they wanted Him in person before they started the documentary film which was taken on the 19th. So He was again on the television at 5:30 p.m. for a few minutes; then the film was shown.

The 26th was a very busy day. From 8:00 to 1:30 p.m. He was kept busy with initiation and at 4:00 a gathering of all initiates in Washington – about 100 attended. The Master gave a talk on the subject of co-operation in furthering the cause of the Master’s Mission. At 6:30 p.m. He left for Mr Kalkat’s house (Director of India Supply Mission). Mr Kalkat had invited the Master and some of His followers and nearly all Indian Embassy people (about 100) to listen to His talk and to dinner. He had a talk on how we have lost contact with our True Self and so with the Overself, which is called by so many names, God, Allah, Parmatma etc. etc. and how we could again get in touch with our Inner Self and realise ourselves and God.

The 27th no meditation was held in the morning. He had a restful day for the first time since we left India. At 7:15 p.m. He went out on a short drive. 8:30 to 10 p.m. He gave a talk out in the lawn – in this talk He said that if we have to gamble then why not with God, and we should put all that we have at stake – body, mind and soul. He said it would be an enchanting game without any fear of risk attached in this game – for if we lose we will become His, if we win then He is ours – from Kabir’s Shabd.

On the 28th at 3:30 p.m. He visited the Pakistan Ambassador, who received Him very warmly. He had a hearty talk for one and a half hour with him as he happened to be from Lahore. He said he had great regard for the Master – he could not recognise Him by mere name – and he requested the Master to have dinner at his ohse. After that, the Master visited the Golden Lotus Temple set up by Swami Premananda, the disciple of Swami Yoganand of Calcutta. The former came to America when he was 20 years of age – about 30 years ago. As such he know little about the Spiritual Activities in India. The Master was with him for over one hour all alone talking about Spirituality which was explained to him. He has a regular attendance of seekers after Truth. He was very thankful that Master blessed his Temple by His Holy presence and he came to see Him off in the car in all loving humility.

He is leaving Washington on 1st July 1955 for Louisville by car and will reach there on 2nd July 1955 in the evening as it is about 800 miles from there. This finishes the tour at Washington for the present.

(Mrs) D. Narendra

Please convey my fondest Love to all those attending the Satsang and Ashramities.

Kirpal Singh