4 May 1903

Lots of Love from Jaimal Singh to my obedient son, Babu Sawan Singh, and to Babu Gulab Singh, Narain Singh, Diwan Singh, Babu Gajja Singh, Aya Singh, and young Harwant Singh. 

Dear son

Chanan Singh has arrived here and from him I have received 300 rupees on 4 May. All the work has now been completed. 

When you take the ten days’ leave, go directly home first; then come to the Dera on the way back at five o’clock on Saturday evening and, after the Sunday Satsang here, resume your official duties the following day. You must go home because there are many matters awaiting your attention there for the last two to three years. So go straight home: I will be greatly pleased at your going home and coming here upon your return.

You have written that your mind feels sad, that it does not wish to do any work, that it has become tired. Definitely the mind should remain detached from the world, my son. Don’t worry; keep your mind in the Shabd Dhun, and firmly fix your attention in Simran all the time, and listen to the Shabd with Love and devotion – then the physical tiredness will go away. You also write that the officer who has now come is very strict. So what if he is strict? You have to do your official duty, and it will do you good when your mind, nervous and worried, turns towards Bhajan and Simran. So the news is good. Whatever has to be done, my son, is going to be done by the compassionate Lord. So have no fear. Remain dauntless in your heart – nothing can happen without His command. Whatever has to happen has already happened. We are going to do only that which has already been done – the True Lord, is doing it. Continue to work fearlessly; the compassionate Guru is always your protector. Since we have been granted the True Wealth, why should we care about the false one? Rather, the mind is not to be attached to the unreal. Whenever you are free listen to the Shabd Dhun by fixing the mind and soul in It.

Warm regards from Bibi to you, her true brother. May Grace and Mercy be upon everyone. Please accept warm greetings from all the Sadhus at the Dera.

(Postscript:) Best greetings from Jaimal Singh to Narain Singh. Your letter has been received, and I am very happy to read it. 

Your description of the mind is true; the mind is definitely like that. There is, however, a means to control the mind: always remember the Satguru’s words, and whenever the mind begins to ruminate, immediately start doing your Simran. Do not yield to its reasonings. Remember the Satguru’s words, and know that death is hovering over our head. Understand that you will have to pay for every violation of the Satguru’s words. Once you understand this, my son, then the mind will shrink. So do your Simran and listen to the sound of the Shabd Dhun. Practise this every day and the mind will become still. You are never to ask for worldly things nor ever to indulge in them. Then the mind will become weak. Have faith in the Satguru’s words – they will all be fulfilled.

4 May 1903