30 January 1903

From Jaimal Singh: Lots of Love to Babu Sawan Singh, Babu Gulab Singh, Basant Singh, Chanan Singh, Nanak Singh, the young boy and all the other Satsangis with you. 

Your letter arrived and I was happy to read it. You have written about your illness. Please have no worry; you will get well shortly. Don’t become perturbed; be optimistic. Two letters have already been sent to you. It is urgent that the girders arrive here soon. They are very late; the hot weather will be here before long. An urgent letter has been written to Babu Gajja Singh and Nabi Bakhsh the painter that they should reach Rawalpindi by 31 (January) 1903 I expect they will do so. Have no worry about your illness. You are going to recover from it very soon. Rather, make it a point to keep doing Bhajan and Simran and to look upon pain as pleasure. This postcard has been written to you because we have already sent two letters.

Best wishes from Bibi Ji to you, her true brother. Your official work will not be affected; do it slowly. 

30 January 1903