23 February 1903

From Jaimal Singh: Warm greetings to my obedient son, Babu Sawan Singh. 

The stone for the building has been received and set in place, though it was rather late in arriving. The old ones were pulled out and replaced by the new. Also, ten girders have been installed, and one set aside. Railway freight charges of 17 rupees and 13 annas for the stone have also been paid. The girders are now in place, the frames are ready, and construction of the roof will start in eight days – we think we have enough bricks on hand and won’t run short.

Keep doing Bhajan and Simran every day. If you cannot sit, you must still do it lying down. While walking or moving around, continue to listen to the Shabd Dhun. The Inner Attention, chitt, should be in it all the time, as whatever work you then undertake will be done at once. It is through the effulgence of Naam that the earth, the sky, and everything else in the universe have originated. Naam is primal, all else is secondary. Where Naam is present, everything is present. That is why Naam should be grasped first, for when Naam is attained, everything is attained. Therefore never ever forget Naam.

Your cooking pot has been received. If possible, you should come on leave soon because we should decide about Hazur Swami Ji’s books, as many people are asking for them. You also need to come to see the girders installed in the building. If you cannot get leave to come, then send Chanan Singh immediately with 200 or 300 rupees. A money order will take time: the money should reach here definitely by Friday or Saturday at the latest. Be sure to send at least 200 rupees, if more is not available. Send Chanan Singh as soon as you receive this letter. He can stay at the Dera for a day and then return to your place the next day. He should come to Beas quickly by the mail train.

Of the workers here, nine are carpenters, four masons, and seven labourers. They are all to be paid wages for one month, so send the money as soon as possible. Chanan Singh will bring you a full account.

Please convey my greetings to the Satsangis Basant Singh, Babu Gulab Singh, Chanan Singh, Narain Singh, and Nanak Singh. All are urged to do their Bhajan and Simran every day. They will all receive Grace and Mercy. Warm regards from Bibi Ji to you, her true brother. Also warm regards from everyone else at the Dera. The consignment of coal tar was received on 23 February.

I urge you to keep meditation specifically in your mind – with an attitude of deep devotion. Since all worldly activities are false, keep doing them with that in mind. Heartfelt Love is to be given only to meditation. 

23 February 1903