21 April 1903

Lots of Love from Jaimal Singh to my obedient son, Babu Sawan Singh, and to Babu Gulab Singh, Basant Singh, Chanan Singh, Narain Singh, and any other Satsangis who may be there with you. 

May the Grace and Mercy of the compassionate Anami Lord, always be upon you. 

Dear son

I have received no news from you since the day you left here. You should definitely keep up with the correspondence. The news from here is that the building is now ready and being painted: a worker is busy painting it an almond colour – he has finished one coat and will put on one or two more. We are also having an outer gate made. Three thousand bricks were purchased for 1½ rupees per thousand, plus 3 rupees per thousand for cartage. The total expenditure came to 44 rupees.

Postcards have come from Chacha Ji in Agra, and 100 rupees are now to be sent there for Hazur's bandhara. Also 100 rupees’ worth of wheat is to be purchased for the year. Then there is an expense of 80 or 90 rupees for the masons and labourers as well. For the rest, do as you think proper, but the money is needed soon. Either send it in instalments of 50 each, or send the whole amount with Chanan Singh, because then it will arrive here sooner. He will return in two days. If Chanan Singh cannot come, then send the amount in money orders of 50 each. For the rest, do as you think proper.

The other news is that a man by the name of 'Ganga', who used to work at Buta Mai's printing press, is asking me for his wages. Please ask Babu Gajja Singh what is all this. Did you have him employed with an understanding to pay his wages? He has written three or four letters, so please inquire and let me know. Buta Mal is refusing to pay his wages.

Lots of Satsangis are now asking for the books. I have written to Buta Mal to send fifty copies of the verse edition and fifty of the prose one, that is, a total of one hundred copies. I have asked him to pack them in a box and send them in the railway brake van to Beas railway station, where I will pay the freight. So far there has been no reply. Please resolve these matters with him and let me know, because I do not think we should ever again have printing done through Buta Mai – no work is to be done through him. If at some point we want to have Ghat Ramayan printed, we will have it done at some other press.

Do your Bhajan and Simran every day and also arrange to hold Satsang. Do your official duty also, and while doing it, find time for Bhajan and Simran as well. Keep death in your mind all the time. Always remember the words of the Satguru. Our Home is beyond the Alakh and Agam regions; we are going there with the help of the Shabd Dhun – that is our guiding Light. The whole business of the world is going on because of its radiance. God, soul, maya, the subtle, the gross, the body, that is, the physical frame, and the universe – the Dhun is the Light and Creator of all. So hold fast to its sound at every moment. Concentrating and blending together all three Inner Faculties, the mind, surat and nirat, and driving out all worldly attractions, listen devotedly to the Shabd Dhun. Whether for fifteen minutes or half an hour, listen to It every day. Have full faith, my son, that the Shabd Dhun will make the soul pure and take it to the land of the Lord.

Warmest greetings from Bibi to you, her true brother, warmest greetings also from the Sadhus at the Dera to you and to all the others. Your money order for 10 rupees arrived here on 20 April 1903. The money has been spent on general expenses. Do keep me informed, my son. 

21 April 1903