19 June 1903

Lots of Love from Jaimal Singh to my obedient son, Babu Sawan Singh, and to Basant Singh, Chanan Singh, Narain Singh, Babu Gulab Singh, Diwan Singh, Harwant Singh, and the Satsangi sisters. 

Some parshad from Hazur’s bandhara has been sent to you by railway delivery. Please receive it from Mone-ke-Thaon (Mona Remount Depot) railway station. If it is not enough, add some extra to make it sufficient.

(Dictated, written in Urdu:) I would like my son, Babu Sawan Singh, to know that I had started to write this letter in Gurumukhi, but due to lack of time had to dictate it in Urdu. The parshad from Hazur’s bandhara is being sent to you. Twelve or thirteen people went to Agra for the bandhara, which was well attended. I was also directed to send in the names of all the Satsangis, so I will do that. 

For your information, a membership committee has already been appointed. Chacha Ji will write a letter to you asking you to send him the Satsangis’ names. Chacha Ji also repeatedly stresses that Satsangis should cooperate harmoniously. So I said ‘yes,’ but I am not particularly keen to associate with them since their teachings are not like those of Hazur Swami Ji Maharaj, nor do they follow His method of sitting in Bhajan – no one even remembers Swami Ji’s technique. Because of this, we cannot join them in fellowship. Consequently, the connection is to be superficial. Whenever we meet them, we will greet one another. 

You are being informed so that when Chacha Ji writes, you should refer him to me, as the matter concerns Baba Jaimal Singh. I will then reply myself. 

We will send them the names if they satisfy my three objections. These are:

First: The teachings should be those of Hazur Swami Ji, as He used to impart them; the technique and tradition also should be that which He practised. The whole way of … is wrong; it is not according to Swami Ji. 

Second: There should be three members from among our Satsangis since we do not fully understand their language. In brief, you and I should not become members; the members should be selected from among the others.

Third: As to donations and contributions, our Satsangis will not give them anything, because all our Satsangis are poor, and we do not wish to take anything from them. It is only for Bhajan and Simran that this teaching is imparted to them.

Please note down all these points in your journal, so that they can be used in your reply. 

When Chacha Ji writes to you again for the names of the Satsangis, reply to him with these three points. If they accept all three points, we have no objection to sending in the Satsangis’ names. But please do not be in a hurry, wait until they write two or three times.

All of you are reminded to keep doing your Bhajan and Simran. Do it every day and also read from Hazur’s writings. Always remember that we do not belong to this world. Let me give you an example. First, when you were in the area of Murree Hills, you worked very hard at Khairagali. Then you moved on to Rawalpindi, and now you have come to a third place. Similarly, we are going to be transferred from this world. We have no affiliation with this body. If we live within the Satguru’s will, do our Bhajan and Simran every day, drive out worldly desires from the mind, and fix – and continue to fix – the longing of the surat, nirat and the higher mind, all three, into the Inner Music of the Shabd Dhun, we will keep on filling our hearts and minds with its True Love, and will merge into It by listening repeatedly with devotion every day. Always remember these words.

Reply soon, my son. This is to be impressed upon all the Satsangis: you may read it to them.

Warm regards from Bibi Ji and all the Sadhus at the Dera. Best wishes from Bibi Ji to you, her true brother. At Agra, both the estate and the arrangements for the bandhara have been placed under the charge of committee members; no one from Swami Ji’s family has any authority over them. This is being written solely for your information.

Best greetings from Milkhi Ram and Moti Ram. I went to the bandhara at Agra. Swami Ji’s teaching is contained singularly in the twenty-sixth hymn:

Tab swaamee ne bachan sunaayaa, maarg kaa yon bhed lakhaayaa. Paanch naam kaa sumiran karo, shyaam set men soorat dharo. 

Then the Lord revealed His Word, and secret of the Path uncovered: Meditate on the five-fold Naam; point the surat in dark into Light.

19 June 1903