13 July 1903

Lots of Love from Jaimal Singh to my obedient son, Babu Sawan Singh, and to Basant Singh and all the family members and Satsangis. 

This is to let you know that both Ma Ji and Bachint Singh left here today, Monday, to go home. A 100-rupee note, number 27-97561, was found on the floor near your bedding. Also, four gold sovereigns, worth 15 rupees each, as well as some single rupees – I am not sure how many – were round tied up in a handkerchief in the almirah. If they are yours, don’t worry, I have them with me – I have not sent them with Diwan Singh.

Dear son, please do not worry about any work, including that for the government. Whatever is to happen has already happened. The compassionate Hazur always works for our good. He will do whatever is for our benefit. He is ever merciful and gracious. 

Do your Bhajan and Simran every day, have complete Love and faith within, and continue to listen to the Shabd Dhun.

Warmest greetings from Bibi and all the Sadhus here. 

13 July 1903