July 1902

From Jaimal Singh: Lots of Love to my obedient son, Babu Sawan Singh. 

Your letter arrived, and I was happy and delighted to receive all your news. Banta Singh left here today for your place, and a message, etc., for you has been sent with him. He is also bringing parshad of pickled berries of kareer and roasted chickpeas for you. I hope it reaches you all right. It is also for Chanan Singh, Narain Singh, and Basant Singh, for all three of them. Your letter arrived today, so I sent these things to you immediately. Your dear mother arrived here on the day of Guru Poornima, and the news of your well-being was given to her. I hear that both Bachint Singh and his wife are ill. Well, there is no need to worry; Maharaj Swami Ji will be gracious and merciful. 

One point more: at the time of the bandhara, nothing – no flour, pulses, or jaggery (raw sugar), etc. – is to come from your village. It is not right. Nor is any clothing, etc. to come from there on the occasion of the bandhara. Do not look upon this as unfriendly advice, as if something bad has been said to you. You yourself are wise; you can find out about it … For this reason it is not proper. Worldly people are not aware of such things – there may be only one Gurumukh in the household. Ever since the day the flour, etc., for the bandhara came into the Dera through ------, every single Satsangi has fallen sick. Do not ever be angry with them, just let them know. Let me say quite frankly that when everything, money and materials, is sent by you, why should they, too, feel the urge?

Warm regards from Bibi Ji to you, her true brother. 

Do your Bhajan and Simran every day, and never let the surat, nirat and the higher mind wander free. Keep them attached to the sound of the Shabd Dhun. Regard Satguru, the Lord, as ever present. Narain Singh, Chanan Singh, and Basant Singh should make it a point to continue with their Bhajan and Simran.

Please give Chanan Singh two days’ leave if you can manage without him. However, do not give him leave if you cannot do without him, since you are at a new post. Best greetings from all the residents of the Dera. 

July 1902