16 March 1902

Warmest greetings from Jaimal Singh to both my obedient sons, Chanan Singh and Narain Singh. 

I have received your letter and I was happy to read it. 

What you write about the mind – that it keeps thinking of bad deeds all the time – is very true. The mind is like that. But always remember the words of the Satguru, then the mind will calm down. Do your Simran inwardly – while sitting, sleeping, walking, or doing any other work, continue with it in your mind. The approach of death can be heard overhead; remember it, and don’t keep the self in anything. Consider the body, mind, and wealth to be the Satguru’s. Tell the mind that since you have sold it to the Satguru, why is it working uselessly? And inwardly pray and appeal to the Satguru all the time that He may protect you. Do not put your hopes in worldly affairs. Whatever happens will happen with the will of the Satguru – consider that to be for your benefit. Listen to the sound of the Shabd Dhun every day. Decrease the night-time hours of sleep by a couple of hours. His Grace and Mercy will always be upon you. 

Warmest regards to Babu Sawan Singh, Basant Singh, Nikka, and all and every Satsangi. The news is that all the parshad that was sent with Bachint Singh has arrived here. The other things that were sent have also been received Bachint Singh arrived by the twelve o’clock train and went home the same day by the night train. I have followed your information about the books. Please arrange to get 500 copies of Anurag Sagar printed – the rest is up to you. And Ghat Ramayan also must be printed regardless of the cost – of course it is again up to you whether to get it printed up to 500 copies or less. Fifty thousand bricks have already been made; we are now making them every day. 

Please do your Bhajan and Simran every day. Stay happy wherever the Lord wants you to work. Whatever He does will be for your good. 

I will write a detailed letter later on. The canister of ghee will be sent to you on 17 March by railway delivery; please collect it from the railway station. Best greetings from Bibi and all the others. 

16 March 1902