10 March 1902

Lots of Love from Jaimal Singh to my obedient son, Babu Sawan Singh. 

Dear son

Two books, Ghat Ramayan and another that includes Anurag Sagar, Ratan Sagar, and some other Sacred Writings, have been sent to you. They are free from errors, and are printed in Gurumukhi. It would be good if they could be printed. If that is not possible, please send them back with Bachint Singh, and let me know whether or not the previous copy of Anurag Sagar has been printed. I promised the person from whom these books were borrowed to return them in a month, but it would be all right if they could be printed even in two months. 

Please send 100 rupees in two money orders of 50 each, because to receive a single money order of 100 rupees I have to go personally to the post office. (At Sathiala, quite a distance from the Dera.) My intention is to get 150,000 bricks ready – the dung fuel is very expensive. So far about 40,000 bricks have been made. Do remember to send the books back with Bachint Singh if they cannot be printed.

Please do your Bhajan and Simran every day. Do not keep the self in anything. Place your hope in the Anami Lord, the wondrous-form, fathomless Duvami. Duvami means that as far as the Anami Being, all is effulgence. A single ray reaches Agam, Alakh and Sach Khand – Sat Lok. Within Sach Khand and the fathomless wondrous form, all is He. The attentive faculties of the soul, surat and nirat, and the merciful glance of the Satguru reside in that home. Now fix your hope in that home, which is our own, while you perform your worldly duties with the Guru’s Grace, since all the material things of the world are perishable. Keep the Inner Faculties of surat and nirat, and the higher mind, all three, attached to the sound of the Shabd every day.

Please convey my Love to Chanan Singh, Narain Singh, the treasurer, and the Satsangi devotees of the three army batteries. Best regards from Bibi and the Sadhus at the Dera. Karam Singh has been here for the last two days and will be leaving today. 

10 March 1902