July 1901

Lots of Love from Jaimal Singh to my obedient son, Babu Sawan Singh, and to Basant Singh, Chanan Singh, Narain Singh, Diwan Singh, and Babu Gulab Singh. 

This is to let you know that your letter arrived, informing me of your well-being. You have written that you cannot come until 25 August 1901. It does not matter; after all, work has to be done. I will write about my visit in a subsequent letter. The Twenty-Fourth Battery passed through (Beas) on 29 July 1901 at 3 p.m. We went there at 6 p.m., so we missed them - such was the will of Hazur.

Continue doing your Bhajan and Simran. Keep the inner attentive faculties of surat and nirat alert to the stream of Shabd Dhun every day, and continue listening to It with Love and devotion. Remain inwardly attached to It; Grace and Mercy are always upon you. Slowly and gradually the Lord will take you to His home. Everyone is urged to continue doing Bhajan and Simran.

Along with your letter, a letter was also received from Chacha Ji at Agra, in which he wrote that the 200 rupees had been received. I will write later about the money for Agra. The rains are good here. Chacha Ji has sent you a piece of cloth for a coat as parshad; it will be given to you when you come. Best wishes on behalf of Bibi Ji; please also accept  warm regards from all others at the Dera. Because of heavy work, this letter has been dictated in Urdu. 

July 1901