July 1901

From Jaimal Singh: Lots of Love to my obedient son, Babu Sawan Singh. 

Your letter arrived and I was happy to receive your news. With regard to your inquiry about how to send money to Agra: beloved son, do not worry, 200 rupees have already been sent there. If possible, bring some money with you, but do not bring too much, as you can send the rest upon your return. No acknowledgement has been received from Agra, but the money was sent. You have not written when you will be coming – you should have given the details of your arrival so that someone can meet you at Beas railway station. We need to know the scheduled date, and also who else will be coming with you, or if you are coming alone. Keep doing your Bhajan and Simran every day.

The rest of the news will be given to you in person. A letter from Chacha Ji came in the same post as yours; he wished you all the best. Warm greetings to Basant Singh, Babu Gulab Singh, Chanan Singh, Diwan Singh, and Sunder Singh. Let Sunder Singh know that his letter has also been received here. The reply to him is to continue doing Bhajan and Simran. Grace and Mercy will be upon him. Best regards from Bibi Ji and from all the residents of the Dera. 

July 1901