6 April 1901

Lots of Love from Jaimal Singh to my obedient son, Babu Sawan Singh. 

This is to let you know that the wicker stools were received on 6 April. I wrote a postcard to you in Urdu that we had not received the chairs, but you are not to worry about them now as they have arrived. Let me know when you receive the postcard. Please give my greetings to Basant Singh, Chanan Singh, Narain Singh, Babu Gulab Singh, and Babu Gajja Singh. Basant Singh is reminded to study hard day and night. Everyone else is reminded to do his Bhajan and Simran every day.

Keep the higher mind, nij man, and the attentive faculties of surat and nirat attached to the Shabd Dhun with deep Love and devotion within. Leaving the self aside, do your worldly work, but keep your Love and devotion in the Satguru’s words. The Shabd Dhun is always with you, my son; it is protecting you at every step. 

Bibi sends warmest regards to you, her dear brother. Best regards to everyone from the Sadhus at the Dera and from Bibi. 

6 April 1901