20 February 1901

Lots of Love from Jaimal Singh to my obedient son, Babu Sawan Singh, and to Basant Singh, Chanan Singh, Babu Gajja Singh, Babu Gulab Singh, and Narain Singh. 

May the Grace and Mercy of the compassionate Anami Lord always be upon you. 

Your postcard was received and I was very happy to read it. It does not matter if the container of pickles was lost. Whosoever eats will benefit from it. More will be given to you when you come here again – the lost one was not destined for you.

It has rained here again. The road from the brick-kiln has become muddy, so the bricks for the meditation cell will be brought here after the ground is dry. Nothing is possible at present because of the rains. The upper-storey room is now ready, and from tomorrow we will start crushing the bricks for aggregate in the small rooms. We will send the pickles when your letter comes.

Do your Bhajan and Simran every day: this is for everybody. With Love and devotion, keep the mind and the attentive faculties of the soul, surat and nirat, attached to the Shabd Dhun. During work, never let the ego or arrogance of any kind enter your heart that you are the one doing something. No! Rather, it should be, 

I am nothing. You alone are everything, oh Lord.

Bibi’s best regards to you, her dear brother. Warm regards from the Sadhus at the Dera to everyone. Please also convey Bibi’s warm greetings, my son. 

20 February 1901