14 June 1901

Lots of Love from Jaimal Singh to my obedient son, Babu Sawan Singh. 

May the Grace and Mercy of the compassionate Hazur always be upon you, dear son. 

You sent a telegram to me, but the name inside it was not clearly written, and so I could not understand to whom 85 rupees was to be given. Write about this again. I am now back at the Dera, where I returned on 11 June. My mother is sick now, so tomorrow I will go to Ghuman and return on Sunday. Your Baba Ji has written to me that Babu Sawan Singh should give 50 rupees to him every year. His letter arrived the day I was to go to the bandhara. Please always look after him, my son. There is a proposal to build two rooms with a veranda in Soami Bagh at Agra. You have already borne very heavy expenses, so please write to me what you think about it.

Warm greetings to Sunder Singh the carpenter. Your postcard arrived, and I was very happy to read it. Do your Bhajan and Simran every day.

My son, please convey my Love to Basant Singh, Chanan Singh, Narain Singh, Babu Gajja Singh, and Babu Gulab Singh. 

Continue with your Bhajan and Simran every day. With Love and devotion in your mind, keep the attention always alert to the melody of the Shabd.

This postcard has been written in a hurry as I did not have much time. Best regards from Bibi to you, her dear brother, and to all the others. 

14 June 1901