5 February 1900

Lots of Love from Jaimal Singh to my obedient son Babu Sawan Singh, and to Basant Singh, Babu Gajja Singh, Chanan Singh, Babu Gulab Singh, Babu Hari Ram, and the younger Bibi Ji.

May the Grace and Mercy of the compassionate Hazur always be upon you all. 

I received your letter; it was well written and I was happy to read it. It was indeed a very good letter. I have already sent a letter addressed to Babu Hari Ram with all the news from here, so please read it. Someone has come here from Quetta to be initiated. He belongs to the South and is a Subedar in the army. He will stay at the Dera for a month. If possible, I will come to visit you after he leaves. I definitely plan to visit and will write to you later on.

Please continue daily with your Bhajan and Simran. Warm regards from Bibi and everyone else here.

I do plan to come even if that person does not leave. Please help Babu Mohan Singh with some words of comfort. I am writing a postcard to you because I have so little spare time. 

5 February 1900