25 September 1900

Lots of Love from Jaimal Singh to my obedient son, Babu Sawan Singh. 

May the Grace and Mercy of the compassionate Anami Lord, always be upon you, dear son. 

I have received 100 rupees in two instalments of 50 each. A plan of the rooms was also received; I have gone through it and have tried to understand it as much as I could. The stairs have been built in the veranda, alongside the wall of the small room that is towards the meditation cell. For the rest, your plan is quite good and was well prepared. The construction work is underway. The rains have been heavy. It rained for three days and three nights, so the work was interrupted for two days, but has now begun again. We have bought one hundred logs at an auction for 2 rupees, 10 annas per log. The total came to 262 rupees and 8 annas. They are ten feet long each. Another thirty logs, each six feet long, have cost us 50 rupees and 6 annas. The grand total for the wood is 312 rupees and 14 annas. We have overbought, because ordinarily a ten-foot log costs 3 ¼ rupees, while these have been bought at the cheap rate of 2 rupees and 10 annas each. If some are left over, we will sell them. I have paid for them by borrowing 200 rupees from Parmanand. So please send a draft of 200 rupees to Parmanand at this address: Parmanand Bajaj and Durga Das, Village Kahne Dhilwan, District Jalandhar, Kapurthala State, Post Office Kahne Dhilwan – the sub-district is also Kahne Dhilwan in that state. You may send it in both their names, or only to Parmanand Bajaj. Actually it should be sent in Parmanand’s name. Please send it very soon, because he was in great need of money and I had him delay a transaction in order to loan it to me.

My Love to Basant Singh, Chanan Singh, Babu Gajja Singh Ji, Babu Gulab Singh Ji, Narain Singh, Diwan Singh, Babu Hari Ram, the elder Bibi Ji, the younger Bibi Ji, and the boy, Gursharan, and also my warmest greetings to them all. They are urged to do their meditation every day. Best wishes from Bibi to you, her dear brother; Bibi’s best wishes also to all the others. Warm regards also from the Sadhus at the Dera. At present I have no free time, so I have not been able to write about other matters. Please send something coal tar which can be applied to all surfaces – we still have the coal tar which you sent earlier. For the rest, it will be done as you write.

Please do your Bhajan and Simran every day. Listen to the Shabd Dhun every day, whenever you are free. It is a fact, my son, that except for the Shabd Dhun nothing is our own.

Believe firmly:

I am nothing; my Satguru is everything. I am a servant of the Satguru.

When you sit in meditation, first put your attention in the Satguru’s form, then start Simran, and with intense Love and devotion, slowly, gently, direct your Inner Hearing and Seeing Faculties, Surat and Nirat, and the higher mind – nij man – towards the Sound and fix them in It. Next, listen to the Sound of the Dhun inside and nurture Love for It. Your attention may remain focused for no more than a minute or two, or five or ten, or it may barely hear the Sound, but even then the news of your effort will reach right into Sach Khand, that you are offering a prayer. I am very happy and pleased with you, my son. Grace and Mercy are always descending upon you. Never are you to keep a longing for the world within you, my son; keep the Holy Feet of the Satguru in your mind all the time. One day with that Love you will reach Sach Khand.

Chacha Ji sends you warm regards and his grace and mercy. 

25 September 1900