21 December 1900

Warmest regards from Jaimal Singh to my obedient son, Babu Sawan Singh. 

May the Grace and Mercy of the compassionate Hazur always be upon you. 

Your two letters were received and I was very happy to read them both. Upon receiving the first letter I sent you a postcard, which has probably reached you by now. This letter is in reply to both the letters. Please continue to keep me informed when you move to Khairagali. 

Always believe implicitly, my son, that all work is the Guru’s work. 

Nothing is mine; I am fit for nothing. All is the greatness of my Guru.

Please do your Bhajan and Simran regularly every day, as much as you can. And realise with your mind and the attentive faculties of surat and nirat that you are to take refuge at the Satguru’s Holy Feet. While working or moving around, keep the attentive faculties focused on the Shabd Dhun all the time. Then the mind, as if in Bhajan day and night, remains deflated and becomes purified, and this message also reaches Sach Khand through the Dhun. So do it like this every day.

The news from the Dera: I have received two drums of coal tar. The roofing of the buildings has been finished; the parapets have been made with brick aggregate. What remains is whitewashing the buildings and bricking the floors inside. The inside floors must be bricked, my son. Some bricks have been left over. After you come, you can decide where to use them, but only a few are surplus. The expense was heavy, but the buildings have been well constructed. The wages of all the masons and carpenters remain to be paid. They are to be paid 150 rupees up to 27 December. If possible, please send the money soon so that all the wages can be paid. I do not have enough time to write a letter, so please consider this reply as substantial.

Bibi’s best wishes to you, her dear brother, and to all the Satsangis. Warm regards from all the Sadhus at the Dera to you and also to all the other Satsangis. Please also convey my Love to Chanan Singh and Narain Singh.

All are urged to do their Bhajan and Simran every day. This is because our Real Work is: Bhajan and Simran; a True Love and Faith in the Satguru; leading our mind within His will; looking upon everything as the Satguru’s and nothing as our own. 

Everything belongs to the Satguru; I do not exist.

Knowing this, my son, keep your attention day and night in the Satguru’s Holy Feet, and do your worldly work by looking on it as unreal. Consider the Shabd-form Satguru to be always by your side. 

Do not read this letter aloud, but understand its depth. You are very dear to me, my son; the day is coming when you will merge into me. 

21 December 1900