27 November 1899

From Jaimal Singh: My Love to Babu Sawan Singh. 

I received your letter and was happy to read it and know of your well-being. Your letter to the village land assessor (patwari) was also received and passed on to him. My reply to you has been delayed because I was absent from the Dera. This letter is not being written in Gurumukhi because I have been down with catarrh, but now I am all right, so do not worry. You have written that ‘I made a slip; please forgive me.’ Forgiveness will given when you come here. Do not have any worry; His Grace and Mercy is upon you every single day. The money order for 5 rupees has been received.

Every day keep the Inner Faculties of surat and nirat alert and continue to observe the guidance that comes from within. Grace and Mercy is reaching you all the time. Make the attentive faculties of the soul a receptacle to receive the radiance of the Grace and Mercy that is coming from the Shabd Dhun. Then everything will become clear by itself. Keep the ideal of a perfect disciple always before you.

Best wishes from Bibi Ji and myself to Babu Hari Ram, Chanan Singh, Malik Thakar Das, Babu Gajja Singh, Basant Singh, Amar Singh, the younger Bibi, and Narain Singh. Also warm regards from Bhai Jiwan Singh. A man named Harchand Singh arrived at the Dera from Quetta on 27 November. It was learnt from him that Pritam Singh would be arriving here on 28 November 1899, but so far he has not shown up. Let’s see if he comes tomorrow. Please accept best wishes from Bibi Ji – but Bibi is somewhat displeased. 

27 November 1899