30 January 1898

Lots of Love from Jaimal Singh to my obedient son, Babu Sawan Singh. 

May the Grace and Mercy of the compassionate Lord always be upon you.

I have received your letter and am glad to know that you are doing well. I am sorry to read, however, that you have been injured again. 

But do not worry, my son, the karmas are being worked out in whatever is happening, do not want to be born again so it is better to go through karmas now.

However busy you might be, do keep me informed about your condition, even by a postcard, until your leg gets better. Listen to the Shabd Dhun every day whenever you are free. You write that you did not want to leave, that you did not wish to be separate from me. 

You are never separate from me, my son, because our Real Form is the Shabd Dhun, which is never separate, and the Shabd Dhun has been bestowed upon you. Because of the physical body, the business of the world has to be carried out. So you are always with me, my son.

Regarding the durbar hall: five masons have been employed at 6 annas plus two meals per day – they work every day. The wall on one side has been built up to a man’s height. For timber, I have selected an 18 by 3 foot deodar log. They were offering it at 3 rupees per foot, but the official who could sanction the sale – it is government timber – was on tour somewhere, and I was told that he’d be back in two or three days. I shall let you know when it has been purchased. For the scaffolding planks, five beams of pine wood were bought for 10 rupees, and each has been sawn into three planks of three feet each. Also, we have three labourers working at 3 annas each per day. For the rest, my son, whatever is the will of Hazur will happen.

May the Grace and Mercy of Hazur always be upon Chanan Singh and Basant Singh. Please convey my best wishes to them. 

Chanan Singh should sit in Bhajan every day, whenever he is free, and Basant Singh should study wholeheartedly – that is his Bhajan. Warm regards from Bibi to you, her dear brother. Bibi’s best wishes also to Chanan Singh and Basant Singh. All the Sadhus at the Dera send their best wishes to Babu Ji. Please have no worry; the Satguru, in His Shabd form, is always by your side. He is the One Who is doing all the work. Every moment He is calling us within and showering us with His protection and Grace.

Please accept best wishes from Dasaundha Singh.

You write that while some people recite the scriptures, and others engage in penances or do noble and charitable deeds, you are without any of these good works. My son, all this work you have already done. The fruit of such work is meeting the Perfect Satguru. For you no other practice or pious, good or noble deed remains to be performed – all these you have already done.

Please convey warm regards to Babu Mohan Singh when he comes there. So long as the leg is weak, you should definitely use the support of a stick to walk around. Once the leg becomes normal and the healed bone is firmly in place, you won’t need a crutch or support. The leg will then be as it was before. 

30 January 1898