May 1897

From Jaimal Singh: May happiness, Grace and Mercy bless my obedient son, Babu Sawan Singh; may Grace and Mercy be upon him all the time. 

Dearly beloved Babu Ji

The following articles have arrived here from the railway station: twenty straw stools and one tied-up bundle of rope. Why did you take so much trouble, my son? Was there ever dearth of anything from your side? Earlier also it was you who have always been doing such seva.

Your letter was received earlier but no reply could be sent because we had no information regarding your permanent address, as to where you were posted. Since now I have come to know that you work in the Barrack Master’s Office in Murree Hills, so this reply is being sent. Therefore have no worry or apprehension of any kind. 

Keep doing Bhajan and Simran all the time when you are free, and work diligently in the service of the government – the doer in everything is the Lord Himself.

Anoop Singh came here, stayed for four/five, or perhaps six or seven days, and then left after hearing the Sunday Satsang. He probably met Basant Singh at Amritsar – I had gone to Ambala Cantonment at the time – as he left for Amritsar saying that he would visit young Basant Singh there. He mentioned that everything at home was fine, that the whole family was well and happy.

Please accept Bibi Rukko’s best wishes and also warm regards from Lambardar Dasaundha Singh of Dhahwal. The situation regarding the brick-kiln is that 18,000 bricks are now ready. The bricks will be prepared like this every day. Indeed, in …. [the letter ending is not available.]