The Lord’s Names – Hari Naam and Ram Naam

The Name is the Supreme Lord. It is the Creator of all. It is all in all. Everything comes from it. This has been explained in the chapter on The Name.

In the Gurbani the Supreme Lord has been called Hari. The Name is indistinguishable from God. It is His Name and emanates from Him. It is, therefore, called Hari Naam, the Lord's Name. In order to make this clear, the Name has, in different places, been called Hari Naam by Guru Nanak and his successors.

The Name pervades everywhere. There is no place without it. In order to make this fact clear this all pervading Name has been called Ram Naam – the All-pervading Name – in the Gurbani. By Ram is meant that which pervades everywhere or is omnipresent.

Hari Naam has many benefits, as the Gurbani explains. Perversion and sin are destroyed. Egotism is obliterated. Occult and spiritual powers are obtained. All wishes are fulfilled. Happiness and peace are attained. One obtains salvation.

By its practice not only does one cross the ocean of existence himself but he also helps his generations1 to do so. He is emancipated while still living.



1) This refers to previous and subsequent generations of the initiate's family. The blessing is so great that under certain circumstances it even extends to relatives such as parents, grandparents or children.

[…] The Satguru said:

I am telling you now whatever Sat Purush ordered: in many ways He explained to me and told me to bring the Souls back, making them remember the Shabd. The Lord gave me that which is latent – understand this: the bodiless Naam is the emancipation-giver. He gave me the authority and the sign to connect the Souls with Him. Without the tongue that Sound is made; but only with the help of a Perfect Master can one get It. Five Nectars are the root of liberation – by which the going into physical wombs comes to an end. The Soul who gets the Naam in this way, He told me to liberate one more generation – than the present one – of the Souls who get that Naam. Such Souls will go to Sach Khand by the rope of Naam and even Dharam Rai will be afraid to see them. […]

The Anurag Sagar by Kabir in the edition by Bhai Jamal –
II. The Tale of Creation – Kal traps the Jivas:
Whereof you are attached – there you go


One more generation: Sat Purush is guaranteeing that for each soul who is liberated by Kabir one more of the folloing generation will be lieberated – thus He insures the continuity of the Path.

When parents are initiated and follow the Path of Sant Mat honestly their children usually also turn towards the Path.

The Anurag Sagar by Kabir in the edition by Bhai Jamal –
II. The Tale of Creation – Kal traps the Jivas:
Illustration to 'Kal traps the Jivas'

Master takes care of and extends protection for all who are dear and near to the disciple and looks after their best interests.

Spiritual Elixir (First Edition, 1967) – Part II,
III. Guru: His Need and Functions,
by Kirpal Singh, 1894–1974

The relatives of initiated persons do get help from the Master-Power in proportion to the Love that the initiates have for the Master and their relatives have for the initiates. Even the souls that have left the physical plane get feasible help in the manner indicated above.

Excerpts from Letters from Kirpal Singh (1894–1974)
to His Initiates in the New York City Area –
I. Chastity, Marriage and Family Life

[…] It may furthermore be understood that the near and dear relations of the sincere initiates are granted feasible protection in the beyond, even if they had left much earlier before they took initiation.

Spiritual Elixir (First Edition, 1967) –
Part I: V. Prayer,
by Kirpal Singh, 1894–1974