
The wanderings of mind shall subside when you develop the habit of doing one thing at a time. This is the key note to arrest the wandering mind to enchain it with one thing at a time. The sooner you attain it better it would be. However, Inner Absorption in Divine Light and Sound Current shall accelerate your efforts for early release from its tactics.


Mind, like fire, is a very good servant but a bad master. It has got one of the best attributes which can be harnessed for Spiritual Benefit. It relishes to run into its grooves of habit, and if you will do some acts regularly at the fixed hour every day for some days continuously, you will find that a habit is formed and it finds pleasure in doing the same thing automatically. So when the mind is diverted towards Spiritual Practices, by undertaking meditations at the appointed hours for some time regularly, you will find that the same mind which resents inversion will relish it, with the Grace of the Master. The Divine Manifestations granted by the Master are superbly charming to entrap it, when it will leave aside its vicious attributes.


Mind usually resents Inner Stillness and Silence, yet it is to be enchained by loving persuasion and listening to the Holy Sound Current. When the Inner Divine bliss is tasted, it relishes to stay within without any difficulty.


Holy Naam is the tried panacea for overcoming the troubles caused by mind.