
It would be of more benefit to your Spiritual Progress if you would continue your meditations regularly for at least two hours each day, with faithful steadfastness. The daily contact with the Holy Naam will help you in all situations for when one is well balanced spiritually, one is well balanced all round and able to live life serenely, facing all conditions with strength as they come along. Repeat the Simran of the Holy Charged Words as often as possible during your daily duties, which will form an atmosphere of peace and Love around you, to the benefit of others as well as yourself. Have sweet and loving remembrance of the Master always. He is constantly with you and will never leave thee, nor forsake thee until the end of the world.


You are advised to hold fast to your meditations with religious regularity even if you feel confused on mundane affairs or overtaken by your mind. Please note that these are the tricks of the negative power which keep the dear ones snared in outer confusion and results in the wastage of precious time at your disposal. Catch the time by forelock and never relax your mind to be indulgent in gloom or sadness. It is during these moments of sheer bliss and harmony when your soul is charged with Divine Impulses and new vistas of right understanding open for your gratuitous joy.


The difficulties in fixing Inner Gaze should be overcome by more of relaxation at the eye focus. You can roll down all foreign thoughts, worries, cares and anxieties on to the Holy Feet of the Master within which will bless you with more of fruitful and successful meditations.


You are so good driving at the rare wisdom that all peace and harmony lie within. The more one is inverted within in meditations by silencing the intellect, more of Divine Grace will be shared with the Grace of the Master.


It is the student’s job to sit silently at the door in a sweet, loving and prayerful condition of mind, leaving the work of withdrawal to the Master. In this child-like manner you will be unaware of your legs and the rest of your body, and become fully absorbed in your Inner Experiences.


Those children who are devoting time to their meditations in loving obedience will find that their progress will steadily improve as time goes on, and they will develop  receptivity. Each day is precious, and time is running short for all initiates as their work is of the highest importance. Blessed are they who spend their time wisely.


I am glad for your Holy Meditations to which you are devoted lovingly for eight to twelve hours a day. It is a sheer Grace that the disciplined child disciple is capable of meditating so much, which will grant you in due course peace, harmony, Inner Spiritual Flights to upper regions of bliss and harmony, and God-Intoxication with His Grace. You should look up for some suitable job, as it is equally necessary for you to be working for your own maintenance. Work is worship and as such all honest work should be respected.


The serene message from within received by you is a happy augury, which transpires your innermost feelings and the gracious guidance extended to you by the Master-Power. Indeed Spiritual Illumination comes from within and the disciplined initiates enjoy such like phenomena to their gratuitous joy. The keynote for Spiritual Perfection is to surrender your own will to be merged with His Supreme Will. It is the climax of Divine Grace when the child disciple awakens to this sublime Truth. You are to endeavour for complete surrender and resignation to His will and pleasure and accept everything coming to your count with gratitude, as whatsoever comes to you in the natural course is surely for your best Spiritual Interests.


Concentration improves by complete relaxation at the eye focus. It is an art of releasing the pent up tensions and emotions, and reposing your hopes and aspirations in the ever present gracious Master-Power working overhead. You are to roll down all your worries and cares at His Holy Feet and await patiently for His Grace and Mercy to bless you with whatever is deemed best for your Spiritual Progress.


I am glad to find that you we devoting time for your Holy Meditations with the Grace of the Master. The Divine Revelations of … are good. Please do not be sceptic over your restricted progress. There should be no clutching tendency on your part to have one thing or the other as in this way the intellect continues to work, which has to be silenced by Inner Absorption. You are to simply sit at the Door and wait patiently, obediently and humbly. Just look intently and constantly into the middle of whatever you see in front of you with your Inner Eye and do mental repetition of the Charged Names, very very slowly, may be at intervals, so that an Inner Gaze is not disturbed. The more you are resigned, reposed and receptive to the Inner Manifestations, more of Spiritual Progress will fall to your share with His Grace. Please do not try to fight with your mind but lovingly try to befriend with it, by coaxing it to be more humble, loving and obedient. A cooperative mind is a great asset. The heavenly melody as coming from the right side when listened with rapturous attention grants ineffable bliss and divine Intoxication to the mind. You may furthermore note that gradually the mind grows more subtle with more of surreptitious manoeuvres to cause disturbance. The best course is to attune it with the Inner Revelations. A devotion prayer and humble supplication before sitting for meditations will create an aura of receptivity and your meditations will become more easy, fruitful and interesting. My Love and blessings are always with you.


It is good that you are trying to increase the time for meditations which will bless you with added Inner Peace and Harmony. All efforts undertaken in a spirit of self abnegation and reverential humility for Spiritual Progress are invariably crowned with success. You may please be rest assured, the precious moments of physical life spent in meditation are superbly best utilised and count creditable for your Inner Progress.


I am glad to find that you are devoting time for your Holy Meditations … you should learn to relax completely at the eye focus, repose your hopes in Him, resign to His will and pleasure cheerfully to bless you with whatever is deemed best. Such an attitude will enable you to have increased receptivity and your meditations will become more easy and fruitful.


You can overcome sleep during meditations by developing the habit of looking intently into the middle of whatever you see within. Sleep or foreign stray thoughts interfere only when Inner Gaze is slackened.


The non-initiates attending the Satsang may (do) meditation in any way of their own they like until they are put on the Way back to God.


Your continued routine of loving and regular meditations, done in the accurate way, will enable you to become more absorbed in the Inner Experience of Divine Light and Holy Sound Current, which are the astral forms of the Master, and you will progress from day to day. Whenever the Radiant Form of the Master appears to you within, you are to test its genuineness by the Simran of Charged Names. If it stands before the names, then absorb your full attention into His lustrous eyes so much so that you forget yourself completely.


The sound that you hear as coming from the left side, should be ignored by taking the thumb out of the ear for a while and by attuning your attention to the Sound from …, which you hear as coming from the right side or from above. If you also hear the sound from the left side when you are not meditating, then simply repeat the Charged Names and think lovingly of the Master – that way your attention will be detached from it and it will not affect you anymore.


I am pleased to note that you are devoting regular time to your Spiritual Practices, with the Grace of the Master. You are to close your eyes as when going to sleep, and look lovingly and constantly into the middle of the darkness or Light that you see within. The Inner Gaze will adjust of itself. There should be no clutching on your part to have one thing or the other. Simply sit in an attitude of humble supplication, having full confidence in the competency of the Master to grant you that which is in your best interests at the time. It is up to Him to give and not for us to demand. Some people sit for their devotions like a gymnastic, fully expecting to go up under the power of their own muscles. This is not the way. A heart-felt prayer can work wonders where all self exertions will fail.


The more you direct your attention and absorb yourself in the sweet remembrance of the Master, you will develop receptivity and will feel that Master is within you and you are in the Master, as St Paul said:

It is I, not now I, but Christ lives within me.

The lover becomes the Beloved and the Beloved becomes the lover. All differences of mind, body and soul are swept away.


It is due to the reaction of past good karma that one is able to hear the Sound Current before initiation. However, it cannot be developed further without guidance from a Competent Master.


The difficulty of having right attitude for meditations should be overcome by reciting some prayer or Divine Hymn before sitting for meditations. Such a schedule will create an aura of receptivity and your meditations will became more easy, interesting and fruitful with the Grace of the Master.


I am glad to find that you are devoting time for your Holy Meditations with the result that you see beams of Divine Light in your vision and hear the Holy Sound Current of ocean roar as coming from the right side in your audition exercises with the Grace of the Master. Please look intently into the middle of whatever you see within Light or darkness, and do mental repetition of the Charged Names, very very slowly, may be at intervals, so that the Inner Gaze is not disturbed. The Light will became steady, brighter and ultimately burst to give you further way up. The Sound Current of ocean roar as coming from the right side is all right and should be listened with rapt attention. It will draw closer, grow louder and ultimately come from above.


Please note that when you see the Divine Lights within or listen to the Holy Sound Current you are risen above body consciousness or you are oblivious of the body below. You will grow in faith gradually.


I am glad to find that you are devoting time for your meditations with the result that you are blessed with the celestial manifestations of sun and Sound Current of ocean, bells, and conch as coming from the right side with the Grace of the Master. Please look lovingly into the middle of Sun within and do mental Simran, may be at intervals, it will become more brighter and ultimately burst to give you further way up. Possible you may be blessed with the appearance of Radiant Form of the Master in it. If It stands before the Charged Names, know it for certain that It is friendly and genuine which will be helpful for your Inner Journey on to the True Home of the Father. The sound as coming from the left side should be ignored by taking out the thumb on this side. The Sound as coming from the right side should be listened with rapt attention. It will draw closer, grow louder and ultimately come from above.


I am glad to find that you are devoting time for your Holy Meditations with the result that you are blessed with the Divine revelations of flashes of golden light and high pitched Sound Current as coming from the right side with the Grace of the Master. You should please look intently into the middle of this Light and do mental Simran of Charged Names, very very slowly, maybe at intervals, so that the Inner Gaze is not disturbed. The Light will become steady, grow brighter and ultimately come from above. The Sound as coming from right side should be listened with rapt attention. It will draw closer, grow louder and ultimately come from above.


For evading stray thoughts you should recite some prayer or Divine Hymn before sitting in meditations which will create an aura of receptivity and your meditations will became more fruitful and interesting.


I am happy that you have been devoting yourself to Holy Meditations with greater zeal, deeper faith and renewed earnestness and have been blessed with Divine Visions of Inner Light and heavenly music of bells.


… The Divine Revelations of goldish white Light, radiance coming from Master’s Face and Feet and witnessing an eye and the Holy Sound Current of bells and flute as coming from the right side, are auspicious gestures of His Grace. Please look lovingly and penetratingly into the middle of whatever you see lying before you so much so that you forget everything else except the Master. If your whole attention is rivetted at one point you will forget all about the body below, the mind will become stilled and your practices will bear fruit and you will develop from day to day.


The Holy Sound Current of bells and flute as coming from the right side are higher sounds and should be listened with more rapt attention. Equal time should be devoted to this practice of listening to the Audible Life Stream which will further bless you with untold peace and harmony. You may recite a prayer or Divine Hymn with the tongue of thought, as you desire, before sitting in meditation.


I am glad to find that you are devoting regular time to your Holy Meditations and are enjoying the Inner Revelations of Sun, the Master’s Eyes and hear the various melodious sounds as coming from the right side, with the Grace of the Master. These Inner Experiences should be developed by more of steadfastness and accuracy. The more you are absorbed within at the eye focus, the more of Divine Grace will fall to your lot.


I appreciate your loving adorations for the gracious Master-Power when you were blessed with the Divine Presence in the Sacred Precincts of the Ashram in Vermont. All is holy where devotion kneels.


It is good that you are making earnest effort to sit for Holy Meditations in the early hours of the morning and developing a regular routine of meditations morning and evening. Such a sublime routine, coupled with self introspection and weeding out of all imperfections and replacing them with ennobling virtues, will in no time, bring in more positive results, with the Grace of the Master.


It is so good that you are planning to spend a few days at the Sant Bani Ashram which will bless you with added Spiritual Benefit. Congenial environments do prove helpful when you can meditate for longer hours undisturbed.


… You are not to follow the Sound mentally to find out its source as to wherefrom It came as in that way, your attention is divided. Instead you are to keep your attention at the eye level, without focusing the gaze and be fully absorbed in listening to the Sound, which appears to be coming from the right side. For example, if you were to listen to a symphony concert on television, you would become absorbed in the music that although your eyes were on the screen, you would not be aware of the musicians or their instruments.


Please be lovingly and regularly devoted to your meditations with deep faith and Sacred Earnestness Master-Power working constantly overhead will be extending all feasible help, Grace and protection.


I observe from your Spiritual Diaries that you are not devoting sufficient time to meditations. Please try to increase the time for meditations so as to come to the target of two hours daily to ensure rapid progress. Please don’t get impatient or discouraged so soon and sit in meditations for longer spells to attain better results.


The short meditations can be stretched to the target periods by earnest and steadfast efforts. For evading sleep during meditations, you should resort to some such tune when you are quite fresh, buoyant and wide awake after your normal sleep and rest. Besides you should keep your Inner Gaze fixed in the middle of Inner Divine Light, and continue repeating charged names, mentally, very, very slowly, may be at intervals, so that the Inner Gaze is not disturbed. You will find that it is only during the slackening of Inner Gaze that the outside stray thoughts or sleep overtakes, which can be eliminated by careful vigilance.


Practice has mastered many a hard way. It is simply setting aside some fixed moments when you are all alone, fresh and buoyant and free, and be devoted lovingly to your Holy Meditations which are so simple, easy and interesting. All else will come of itself with the Grace of the Master.


You are advised to start again with fresh zeal and patience. The Holy Meditations must not be overlooked, as it is during these precious moments of silence and serenity when you are near the fountainhead of Divine Wisdom and intelligence. The Inner Celestial manifestations will have a soothing effect on your disturbed mind. Know it for certain that everyone is responsible for his/her deeds, actions or thoughts. Every pleasure has its price. It is the Divine Law. The Divine Dispensation will demand all liquidation in due course.


Successful Simran means repetition of the Charged Names with the tongue of thought or mentally which seemingly looks to be a simple affair but requires some labour and patience.


Mental Simran may be preceded by vocal Simran if the mind is too turbulent, side by side fixing your Inner Gaze in the middle of Light or darkness, with austere patience and loving humility, just as a baby looks for the darling mother. You should be positive about the fact that the gracious Master is awaiting you within behind this dark veil. Such an attitude will grant you complete riveting within. And the trouble with regard to the slipping of your mind can be overcome by keen vigilance, and careful supervision. Mind does resent Inner Stillness but it has to be enchained by this process. Practice attains proficiency. Concentration is learnt by concentrating, concentrating and concentrating regularly. 


Yes, you should give your full attention in meditation, so much so that you become One with the gaze: there should be no effort on your part. Leave all and everything in the Master’s hands. All desires should be stilled, even the desire for transcension.


The difficulty with concentration will be overcome in due course by regular, faithful and accurate meditations. Proficiency certainly demands persistent and patient efforts. The time for the listening of Sound Current should be increased gradually, which will grant you ineffable bliss and harmony. 


If for certain physical disturbance on account of your spine you cannot sit for long in meditations, you should do so as long as you possibly can and then do it by lying in bed fully relaxed but remaining inwardly wide awake and conscious. 


The difficulty with fixing Inner Gaze shall be overcome by fostering Inner Loving devotion for the gracious Master-Power and patient practice. Practice makes a person perfect.


I am happy you are devoting time to your Spiritual Meditation regularly. Please increase the time for your audio and visual practice to two hours daily to insure rapid progress on the Spiritual Path.


The Holy Sound Current is the astral form of the Master, and as such should be listened to with rapt attention.


It appears that you are too much engrossed in your outer activities when you fail to meditate accurately, regularly and faithfully. Howsoever, I am glad for your attempts when you are blessed with the Divine Revelations of … in your Holy Meditations, with the Grace of the Master. Please be more accurate and steady to have further improvement. 


The more you will try to eradicate the weaknesses in you and lovingly attend to Simran, Dhyan and Bhajan, the richer will be the extent of your experiences within.