Various Topics

I am happy that you are attending all meetings of Ruhani Satsang. These meetings provide a fence for Holy Meditations and are conducive to rapid progress on the Spiritual Path.


It is only when you have progressed on the Spiritual Path sufficiently and come face to face with the Radiant Form of the Master that you can talk to Him about all your affairs and get His Supreme Guidance direct.


The Divine Way back to God during life time, i.e. the way you have been put on, is unlike other man made sciences, definite, practical and unchangeable science of nature. The Inner Experiences and speed of progress may vary with different individuals according to one’s past background and devotion. So one should continue patiently and the Master-Power will always be extending all feasible help. 


You should know that perfection walks very slowly, yet each step under the protective guidance of the Master, in the right direction is a step forward, and shortens the long arduous journey ahead. 


Once we are able to rise above the body consciousness, we enter into an awareness of the higher order, which lies behind the reach of philosophies and psychologies, for then you are on your way to the causeless cause, the Mother of all Causes, knowing which everything else becomes known of itself, like an open book. This then is the Alpha and Omega of the Religion of the soul, which begins where all religious philosophies and polemics end. Here all thinking, planning, imagining and fantasy fall off like autumn leaves.


The principle of non-violence in military service should not be difficult for your reconciliation. The enrolled soldiers are not responsible for the execution of orders given to them during their war services, as they are simply carrying out the orders passed on to them by their superior officers manning the operations. The payment of taxes for military purposes is equally a legitimate obligation on the part of good citizens when they are called upon to do so by the civil authorities who are responsible for their safety and general welfare.

You will please appreciate that none of the vocations usually stand in the way of Spiritual Progress, save some intentional morality, which becomes a source of bondage and contracting of karma. Non-violence means to sacrifice one’s own self if need be, for the good of others and not take life for the greed of ourself. It is an ennobling virtue, which means non-injury to the living in thought, word and deed. You will find a more exhaustive explanation on the subject from the forthcoming book entitled karmas, which will enlighten your personal understanding. 


If we give more value to a thing than it is intrinsically due, the fear of its loss will be considerable out of proportion of actual facts. You need not worry about anything. Being under the protective care of the Great Master-Power, you are really a blessed soul, having always at your disposal the facility of drawing on that Great Power. The way how to do it is already with you. If you will just take one step, He will come down a million of steps to pull you, help you and guide you at every stage. You have simply to tune your receptivity to the fountain-head. The way to do it is to faithfully obey Him and devotedly carry on as enjoined. 


Physical body is a precious asset granted to the human soul for a very higher purpose. All efforts should be undertaken for keeping it fit and healthy for meeting with one’s mundane and Spiritual Obligations. 


Hatha Yoga exercises are helpful for maintaining good health, but their undertaking without competent guidance is risky. You may resort to some physical exercises regularly, which will bless you with good health with His Grace. 


It is so good that you are conscious of the Divine Protection of the Master-Power. Please refer to my Birthday Message since released – February, 1967. The humans are merely puppets in the Divine Hands of the Master-Power. Those who merge their will in His will enjoy overwhelming bliss in all spheres of life, with the Grace of the Master. 


There is no objection to your sharing the pieces of good advice received from the Master. (This in regard to collecting excerpts from New York Satsangis letters of Master to share with one another.)


Listening to the Sound Current should be omitted in public lest it arouses curiosity. 


As regards money matters, you should please be careful in spending. Frugality is a great helping factor. 


I am glad to find that you are aspiring for Spiritual Progress. It is due to the evolution of some rare noble karma of past lives that one yearns for Divine Grace. The gracious Master-Power controlling and guiding the destiny of child humanity makes it possible for the sincere seekers after Truth to be led to the Living Master. There is food for the hungry and water for the thirsty. The Law of Demand and Supply works in all times.


An unbiased study of the books will reveal to you the great difference between the teachings of the Masters and other schools of thought, so far practised by you. Howsoever, you should be thankful to your earlier teachers which has ultimately culminated in guiding your footsteps to the Master. 


Please refer to ‘The Wheel of Life’ for having more of right understanding relative to your beliefs that dishonest people prosper more than virtuous ones. 


Although the passing away of your dear husband was prima facae due to over medication, in reality it was at the appointed hour according to the Supreme Will of the Lord.


The Masters preach and practise socialism in its true sense, based on the Brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God. All men being the children of the same Supreme Father and being blessed with the same Spiritual Attributes, are equal. They advocate the principle of ‘live and let live’ not only for men but for animals also. This can be helped by donating tithe of the income by all to be shared with others in less favourable circumstances. 


(In answer to a question regarding portrayal of prostitutes, murderers, etc. on stage and in performing in T.V. commercials advertising aspirin, harmful food products, etc.:) As regards your work in theatre of T.V., you may please note that ‘Work is worship’ and as such all honest work should be accepted in this sense. You should try to lead a disciplined life thereby enriching your character which will depict in your acting and be a source of impetus for a better life. You must know that Inner Life reflects prominently in our outer conduct and behaviour. If you will be living a positive and disciplined life, your work will be more rewarding and appreciated. 


I am sorry for the sad demise of dear Mr … who shot himself. Such like major incidents of this life are preordained. However since he had attended the Satsang and aspired for seeking gracious protection of the Master, his soul has been blessed with Divine Grace in the beyond. The gracious Master-Power extends feasible protection for the accepted souls here and hereafter under His Divine Will. 


We are here in this mortal world for a higher purpose and the realisation of the self and its reunion with the Divinity within is our main object. All efforts pursued for successfully attaining such a serene outlook are invariably blessed with success with the Grace of the Master. The Holy Naam is the panacea for all ills of life the flesh is heir to. So please divert your energies towards the Holy Meditations regularly with deep faith and Sacred Earnestness. All gracious help and protection will be forthcoming from above. 

I am glad for your devoted and selfless services for the Holy Cause. Fortunate are the chosen few who are made instrumental in the Divine Set Up in bringing solace to the world weary and forlorn, to find their Way to the Eternal True Home of the Father, under the gracious protection of the Living Master. Your combined and cooperative efforts will be fruitful with His Grace. Your combined and cooperative efforts will bring solace and satisfaction to many a dear ones who must be yearning for the Spiritual Enlightenment. The Master is always pleased and appreciative of such noble efforts.