Social Conduct and Ethical Life

Thoughts are the root of Karma. Kind thoughts supported by kind words and deeds bring in a life of righteousness, wherein the Holy Seed of initiation thrives most.


Self-discipline means self-restraint and self-control. An army without a general is likely to run into confusion. The senses are to be kept under strict control which will be helpful for Spiritual Progress. Spirituality is a subject more of heart than head. Please refer to the chapter of ‘Right Living’ in ‘The Wheel of Life’ which will give you an exhaustive explanation of the subject. 


I hope, you are now in a position to understand something of the causes that lie behind the shortcomings. It is the memory of our experiences in the distant past and in the living present that constantly and irresistibly follows us at our heels and since we have not yet learnt how to keep aloof and above them that the lapses occur in spite of us. The enumeration process is just the first step to be cognisant of our doings, which we are likely to overlook in our self-righteous assertiveness.


Desire is the root cause of all disturbances and suffering. You will become desireless by regular listening to the Holy Sound Current for some time. It is the tried panacea for that. It is the mergence of the soul in the Holy Shabd which grants such an ineffable bliss and harmony, that the roots of desire are crippled for good. It is the self-control and self-discipline which counts most for having such a steady schedule of Holy Meditations.


The easy way to shed negativity is to avoid the company of such people. Whatever a person could be inside, he would radiate those waves no matter what his words are intended to convey. The company of good persons is helpful. Failing to get good and congenial company, one can restrict it to bare necessities and that too in an unacceptive way as far as possible. At all times during the day when one is not at work, which should be done with full attention, as work is worship, the vacant mind should be habituated to dwell sweetly in the remembrance of the Master or listening to the Sound Current if It becomes audible at all times without closing the ears. Much of the unhealthy vibrations would be warded off. With a little self-discipline, things would become easier. You would be getting all the necessary Inner Help and Protection from within. 


Too much talking dissipates Spiritual Energy. You should try to control your speech by resorting to Simran of the names silently. Think twice before you speak. Think out as to what you speak is true, kind and necessary. 


(With regard to judging others.) Start adjusting yourself to their weaknesses, shortcomings either by overlooking or affording constructive help to them … If you think with a calm and cool mind, you will realise that most of us have not become perfect as yet. Nobody should therefore stand between you and the Master. A sense of close fraternity among the children of the Father will lead to Inner Joy and Bliss, so sublime and serene in essence. When two lovers of the Master get together in His Name, they foster Inner Loving devotion and humility. 


The guiding principle of deep faith and implicit obedience of the Holy Commandments of the Master is all what a disciplined initiate should relish. It ensures steady progress and smooth harmonious and happy physical life. 


Gratitude is the tonic for heart which grows in strength, valour and humility. 


Chastity is a Divine Virtue. It is fruit of long cultivation. You are advised to avoid looking into the eyes of others, needless the opposite sex. As also you should keep your mind always occupied either by work, or by the Simran of Charged Names, loving remembrance of the Master or listening to the Sound as coming from the right side if it has become audible. Besides you should shun any uncongenial company. The reading of obscene literature is equally harmful and as such should be avoided scrupulously. 


The dear ones should have their lives well disciplined and carefully regulated in the larger interests of their Spiritual Progress. One thing at a time and that is too with single-minded attention and devotion. That is keeping the house in order. A kind thought will attract all the kindness of the universe and contrarily a vicious idea will create a vicious circle by accepting all vice in the universe. A mango sapling will attract all the sweetness of the soil whereas a little apart if sown a pepper seed will attract all the bitterness thereof, when both the plants will flourish with the varying elements of mother Nature, yet on the same soil. One is full of all sweetness whereas the other of all bitterness. That is the eternal law. Human heart is the soil in which good and bad thoughts are the seeds which when sown carefully are sure to be grown gradually by honest and correct cultivation. You are to choose the nicest virtues for acceptance and inculcating in your life, when you can expect a bumper crop in due course. You are free to some extent and can benefit from this limited liberty by hard work, right living and regulated discipline. Just learn to implant lofty ideas in your subconscious mind and feed them with the waters of self confidence, determination, diligence and adaptability. Stick to your guns. Never stoop low, never, and still never. Stand aloof with your sublime principles of life which will stand by you in the hour of need. 


I am sorry for dear … who is again sick. You need not magnify your troubles as the gracious Master is always over your head. You should consider yourself as a humble servant of the Lord Master and attend to the duties entrusted to you with diligence and earnestness, caring little for the rewards. Such like trials and tribulations are the normal routine of physical life and equanimity of attitude will bless you with rare strength and fortitude. 


The Divine Revelations (in meditation), grant much of the ineffable bliss and harmony when undertaken in a spirit of deep faith and Sacred Earnestness. Gloom and morbidity impede the way. You should know it for certain that it is the negative attitude of the child disciple which, if allowed, creates similar problem. You need not harbour any feelings of depression whatsoever when you see the Light and are blessed with the rare gift of Divine Protection in all spheres of life, with the Grace of the Master. You should know it for certain that you are very dear to me and I have much Love for you and wish you all progress on Holy Path. Please be up and doing cheerfully, just as an obedient servant does not care for the results but relishes to do his part diligently. 


The difficulties in ethical living should be weeded out by the careful vigilance and inculcating a deep sense for opposite virtues by patience and fortitude. Please also avoid to look into the eyes of the opposite sex (this was written for an initiate with specific problem in regard to chastity). A truly humble and obedient Spiritual Aspirant will tide over the situation by reposing his or her efforts in the gracious Master-Power working overhead. Always seek His Divine Guidance by invoking His Mercy, by humble supplication and Inner Intense Longing for His darshan. 


Frugality in speech is conducive to meditation. As a matter of fact, all the senses are granted to us for their legitimate use, and when the limit is exceeded, it results in bondage and suffering. The Spiritual Aspirants need practise strict discipline for controlling the senses of speech, audition and vision, which dissipate Spiritual Energy. 


The key to success is Love and devotion. More of these, more of progress.


You will please appreciate that all are not perfect as yet, but those who had been privileged with Sacred Boon of initiation, and are meditating properly, with loving faith and Sacred Earnestness, have much at their credit spiritually. Spiritual Evolution is something personal, and all dear ones are invariably stressed the importance of ethical living, in their own Spiritual Betterment. Those who abide by the commandments enrich their lives and become a source of help and inspiration for others. Whereas those who turn egoistical and denounce the Holy Path, are not left altogether, but are granted a long rope to reconcile and come to their senses at a later date. The gracious Master-Power sees and is aware of every action, rather, thought of the initiate, but awaits patiently for the right moment when he/she will turn their face for help and Grace. The law of karma is inexorable, which demands liquidation of each farthing. Yet the initiates are again impressed upon not to look to others for Spiritual Progress but the Master. None is perfect under the sky, except the Master-Power, working at the pole of man – it is the human element which is liable to crop up at times in uncongenial environments, which brings in dire sequences of degradation and retrogression. You should please be rest assured that Master-Power will clear the whole affair. 


If you consider that 5 or 6 hours sleep is not enough for recouping your spent up energy, you should increase it by one or two hours more. You should please note that when you are to retire for sleep, you should try to relax completely at the eye focus, eliminating all thoughts of the outside world or even body below, and retire in sweet remembrance of the Master. Such an attempt will not only bless you with perfectly sound sleep, but continues to recharge your physical system with energy and vitality. You will get up early in the morning quite refreshed and recharged with the Grace of the Master. Please do not tax your mind unnecessarily. 


The world and its glittering short lived charms fade away too quickly leaving a sort of emptiness. This void is to be filled with God’s and Master’s Love – sweet remembrance of the Master and living a life enjoined by Him will produce Love and humility. So please carry on to your best with Love and cheer. 


Please have more of patience and sobriety. Everything has its own time. My Love and blessings are always with you. 


You should not take all others’ example. Please note that all leaders are not perfect as yet and as such should be afforded due respect as an elder brother on the Holy Path. In a recent circular letter I have made it very clear that nobody should be allowed to stand between the child disciple and the Master. They are there to inculcate Love and devotion in the disciples for the Master. The behaviour of your critical friends should not confuse you. All accepted and put on the Path have not attained perfection as yet. Howsoever they are on the way to perfection under the protective guidance of the Master. You should always look to the Master for an example, and try to emulate His qualities, which will be helpful for your Inner Progress. 


I have already advised you to please adjust yourself to the circumstances as best as you possibly can and leave the rest to the gracious Master-Power working constantly overhead. Worry and anxiety betray faith and harm meditations. You need not feel discouraged in any way but repose your hopes and aspirations in the Master-Power. My Love and blessings are always with you.  


You must know it for certain that the life of an initiate is fully controlled by the gracious Master-Power for his Spiritual Progress. Those who relish to meditate regularly and inculcate a keen sense of self abnegation by surrendering their will to that of the Divine Will of the Master enjoy perpetual bliss and harmony. Whatsoever comes to your count is a blessing in disguise and should be accepted cheerfully. Avoid hurry and worry. Instead just learn to do one thing at a time and that is too with single-minded attention and devotion. All bliss and joy lies in the concentrated attention at the eye focus and if you will develop this technique, your entire life will be changed and dyed in the colour of Divinity, with the Grace of the Master. 


Worry and hurry are the chief causes to dwell on by the mind. If you could just eliminate these two by resigning to the Divine Will and Pleasure of the gracious Master-Power working overhead, you will be relieved of the undue strain and stress. Please note it for certain that whatever comes to your count is in your best Spiritual Interests and becoming a fit receptacle for the Divine Grace you have to inculcate a sense of self abnegation and effacement without involving your mind. The more you are relaxed, reposing and receptive, more of ineffable bliss and harmony will fall to your lot. Just rise so high in the loving lap of the Master-Power to consider yourself as a child, who would relish: Thy will not mine be done. Your deep gratitude for manifold blessings is good and appreciated.


Please don’t try to fight out things, because the fight will always result in exhaustion, just do your best and leave the rest to the Master. His Power and Grace is formidably strong to help you in all your difficulties. 


As regards your working for the Holy Cause, you must know it for certain that the gracious Master-Power has His immaculate ways of Divine Dispensation. He can take work from one and all who offer themselves lovingly. You may refer to my circular letter of 6 June, 1967, and another of November, 1967, in which all this has been discussed in an exhaustive manner. Depression and despair breed in egoistic hearts. If you will inculcate a keen sense of humility by self abnegation and effacement you will enjoy more of ineffable bliss and harmony. Humility is the sheet anchor with the dear ones. It is an adoration of the Saints who work in this physical plane by keeping their Divinity hidden from the public gaze. How safe and sublime it is to work humbly on behalf of the Master, by rolling on all credit to Him. You are a personal testimony to the Sacred Truth that when you work for the Master for canalising the Divine Grace, how graciously you are compensated. The golden principle of attributing all success to the Master-Power and failure towards your own personal weaknesses to be overcome gradually, should be followed lovingly. Ego is a human element. It is annihilated very slowly by meditating on Sound Current and Light Principles. Gradually it will dawn upon you that you are a doll in the hands of Divine Powers dancing to His bid. In this connection reference is invited to the message that was sent on the birthday of Baba Sawan Singh Ji.


As regards your mundane affairs, you should try to do your best and leave the rest to the gracious Master-Power working overhead. You should try to attain proficiency in one subject which will enable you to have better prospects in life.


All Masters say that man should share with others, by beginning with the least you can, maybe one tenth, one twentieth, or one fortieth, but you should give something. By sharing with others the self expands. So my Master used to say, 

You give one tenth of your earnings and if you count at the end of the year you will find that you have saved expenses in some other way, in the case of sickness and other things.


The abounding fears and apprehensions of various sorts should not be entertained as these grow in abounding measure when dwelt upon. You should instead dwell more diligently on the opposite virtues of peace, harmony, serenity, chastity, humility and selfless service. Please note, as you think so you become.


Appreciable Inner Progress cannot be made until you learn to lead a well regulated and disciplined life. A regular schedule of devoted meditations, morning and evening, coupled with weeding out of all lower desires and sensual impulses, will bless you with Inner Strength and fortitude to carry out your daily obligation and also ensure Inner Spiritual Progress. 


A disciplined life of devoted meditations and True Living will draw you closer to your objective in life. My blessings are always with you. 


I have noted about your loving attitude towards dear … . Any time you feel overtaken with unloving thoughts towards anybody, you should resort to the Simran of names and think of the Master. You should develop the Christlike attitude.


The trials and tribulations of this earth life are simply passing phases and as such should be met with cheerfully. The failures and shortcomings in your behaviour should be weeded out gradually by inculcating opposite ennobling virtues. You should learn to do everything in the name of the Master which will serve as a soothing balm over your lacerated heart. Be kind, compassionate and generous in your behaviour with others. You will be able to find goodness in all around you and such an understanding will fill your heart with ineffable bliss and harmony.


The trials and tribulations of life are simply passing phases and should be treated likewise. One learns swimming in water. A well regulated and disciplined life based on Spiritual Ethics brings in rich dividends. Your aspirations for serving the child humanity under the protective guidance of the Master is appreciated.


Everyday brings in a new life full of vast opportunities. You must not apprehend any fears whatsoever and instead try to harness your faculties for attaining the goal of Spiritual Perfection. Take and accept life with all its vicissitudes, in easy terms of joy and buoyancy. Just face the situation bravely with mental equipoise and stability. The tree of life reared in storms yields more of cool shade and rich fruit. Failures should serve as stepping stones to success. It is persistent effort which overcomes all difficulties.


Too much talking dissipates Spiritual Energy. You should try to control your speech by resorting to Simran of the Names silently. You will be able to tide over the difficulty and improve in due course. Think twice before you speak. Think out as to what you speak is true, kind and necessary.


Forgive and forget is the best motto.


I have noted your thoughts about others. You may please note that all are not perfect as yet. Nobody should stand between you and the Master. You are advised to refer to my Birthday Message since released and sent to Mr Khanna for arranging its distribution amongst all your dear ones over there. A sense of close fraternity and brotherhood amongst the children of the Father brings in more of Inner Joy and Jubilation, much sublime and serene in essence. When two lovers of the Master get together in His Name, both foster Inner Loving Devotion and humility.


Your present trials and tribulations are a passing phase and you will soon overcome them with the Grace of the Master. You will gradually have greater control over your feelings and emotions, such as vanity, greed and lust, and develop instead virtues of humility, contentment, chastity and Love. You will give up your habit of judging others and start adjusting yourself to their weakness, shortcomings, either by overlooking or affording constructive help to them. By this adjustment, you will bring much sunshine and happiness for yourself as well as for all those around you. If you think with a calm and cool mind, you will realise that most of us have not became perfect as yet. Nobody should therefore stand between you and the Master. A sense of close fraternity among the children of the Father will lead to Inner Joy and bliss so sublime and serene in essence. When two lovers of the Master get together in His Name, they foster Inner Loving Devotion and humility.