Self-pity and Self-condemnation

Self pity and excessive condemnation is equally bad as it leaves its ugly effect of remorse and unwanted gloom which feeds the mind harming the mental composure and equipoise which is essentially a basic prerequisite for successful meditations. Please learn to be independent, cheerfully attending to your mundane duties in a severe and detached manner. Regular devotional meditations fill the gap and the emotions are subdued for a nobler and pious cause. Life need not be frittered away in unnecessary wranglings or baser sense pleasures but instead should be best utilised for a higher purpose of liberation of soul from the mire of mind and matter. Please shake off all morbid feelings and feel happy for doing your part with sincerity and loving humility. It is a human paradox that the more one runs after one’s own cherished desires, more intricate and complex these become, bringing in nervous confusion. So why should you ever care for others where you have much to accomplish for your own betterment.


It is unfortunate that you have allowed this inferiority of personality to creep in your behaviour. It seems to be your own creation and you can mend it by careful living. The initiates should avoid uncongenial surroundings but it should not mean a boycott from amiable social contacts. You should give out the five Charged Names any time you feel in adverse circumstances, needless when such like nervousness seizes. You will improve with His Grace.


You should try to forget all about your mind and I-ness. It is simply your harping on it and feeding its ego by constantly thinking about it, which disturbs you. You must know that regular meditations replace the vicious qualities of the mind with virtuous ones and gradually culminate in rising above vice and virtue both. Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what serene peace and harmony awaits you within during meditations. Beyond a wholesome discipline, please be gentle with yourself. Such an attempt shall bless you with profound joy and bliss. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in all spheres of life. Never feel disturbed with imaginings.


It is unfortunate that you are still confused. Self-pity is bad and breeds depression and frustration. You must not dwell much on the past howsoever sad or gloomy it had been. Just learn to live in the Divine Present. Take life in right earnest. Plan sanely and then execute honestly, irrespective of the results which may not be to your expectation but you will have the satisfaction of having done your part well. You should accept the job which comes your way and work on it honestly even if it is not to your liking. ‘Work is worship’ and as such all honest work should be undertaken in a spirit of dedication. You will like your job and be more happy. Silent suffering strengthens character and has much compensation. Please do not stoop to others’ whims. Live rightly and act wisely to save your person. My Love and blessings are with you.


It does not matter if you could not live up to the Holy Commandments until now. Your Sacred Aspirations for improvement are laudable. Thus far and no more should be the motto. If you will follow this golden principle of life, you will certainly change in due course. Slow but steady paces shorten the journey. One step in the right direction under the protective guidance of the Master-Power will set the ball rolling. You should please note that every pleasure has its price and every suffering has its equivalent compensation.


The Master never censures the faults and failings of His disciples. He only advises that they do not repeat them. You should, therefore, please be careful in the future in regard to your diet, as each lapse in this regard will retard your Spiritual Progress.


It is not necessary to write a confession to the Master every time you commit a misdemeanour. The Master-Power is quite aware of the lapses of His disciples and wishes only that they become aware of these lapses and not to repeat them. Let your confessions be honestly and openly recorded in the various columns on the self-introspection diary. This is the sublime principle behind the correct use of the diary form.


You need not dwell much on your personal character or impurities of mind. It amounts to self pity. You will please appreciate that by watering the seedling at the roots, the plant thrives most and blooms in abundance. The Holy Naam is the tried panacea for ills of mind. Although it is a very happy augury to be conscious of one’s shortcomings but undue apprehension sometimes breeds morbidity which hampers Inner Progress. The conscious contacts of Divinity within revolutionises the thought pattern of the child disciple and he sees everything in much clearer perception. Slow and steady wins the race. Your job is to be implicitly obedient and humbly dedicated. It is for Him to reward you for your efforts. Patience is the noblest virtue but is the fruit of very long cultivation. Just learn to live in the living present and with undivided attention and devotion. You should train your mind in such a manner that when you do anything required of you, there is no hurry, compulsion or resentment from your side. You will find that it will be helpful to you in your all spheres of life including meditations. My Love and blessings are always with you.