
Ordinarily mind should be fully devoted in to the work one does as work is worship. But when mind is vacant, it should not remain vacant as a vacant mind is the home of devil. It should be kept busy either in repeating the Five Holy Names or in sweet remembrance of the Master or listening to the Sound Current if it has developed so much as to be audible and reverberating all the times. But regular time in meditations has to be given. If due to your busy life, you cannot devote full time, devote as much maximum time as you can, but in a correct, devoted and attentive unsleeping state. This is necessary to have actual Inner Regular Progress. So please carry on as best as you can. Master-Power over your head will be extending all the necessary help and protection. 


It is beyond the ken of human comprehension to gauge the grandeur and limitlessness of Divinity. Your questioning is within the domain of intellect, whereas Spirituality dawns when the intellect is silenced by loving devotion and reverential humility. It is during the silent and sublime moments of Holy Meditations when the child disciple is nearer to the fountainhead of bliss and harmony, and the rare boon of right understanding is granted with the Grace of the Master. Regular feeds of Holy Naam will manifest to you Divine Glory in its pristine beauty. The initiates are invariably advised to practice the Divine Virtues which are helpful for regular progress on the Holy Path. It is a slow but sure process. 


As already instructed, the Inner Gaze is to be kept fixed steadily in the middle of lights or scenes whatever you see within, and do the repetition mentally at intervals, all else will come of itself with the Grace of the Master in due course of time. If you see faces, just repeat the five names, the negative apparitions will flee away. The Inner Celestial Manifestations are the astral expressions of the gracious Master and with their eventual stability, the Radiant Form is manifested. In the beginning the form appears now and then and later on you have the same all along in due course of time. The big lustrous eye that you see within is that of the Master and may please be lovingly penetrated. The Inner Experiences are had only when one forgets the body for a while. The various melodies which you hear within as coming from the right side should be listened with rapt attention while preferably sitting on your feet. You will be able to locate the Sound Current of big bell, conch, roaring thunder or drum beat and violin or flute or other higher Sounds which would draw closer, grow stronger and ultimately come from above. All other sounds are lower sounds which may please be ignored. Regularity and accuracy is the keynote for spiritually successful practices.


You state to having heard some words or sentences in your meditations which you cannot adequately distinguish as their source of origin. Sometime some negative apparition does intervene and create such disturbing phenomena, but the Sacred Charged Names are the sure sheet anchor against all eventualities. If you hear next such voices, you challenge to come before you, and when he appears to you, repeat the names mentally. If that form stands before repetition, that will be genuine one. You can follow and act up to what be says. If that is of the negative power or of any lower planes, that will go away, as no such power can stand before Simran, as the names carry the Life-Impulse of the Master, Who is the Lord over all. 


The repetition of names at intervals has a significance as stated above, it is a safeguard against the untoward and impeding factors, which beset the Path and help the sensory currents from the body below to withdraw to the eye centre without any strain on the part of the child disciple. The attention should be riveted penetratingly into the middle of what you see before you. If the repetition of the names mentally is done constantly, the attention will be divided. The gaze should be fixed constantly and repetition done at intervals, simply to guard against any negative effect and help the process of withdrawal from the body. I hope this will be clear to you now. 


Both the practices of seeing and listening within have their own singular significance. The functions of Simran, Dhyan and the Sound Principle are their own. By the repetition practice, the soul currents are withdrawn to the eye focus and the Light sprouts forth. Dhyan, or constant fixing the gaze into the middle of Light, enables the Sound to remain there and the function of the Holy Sound Current is to drag the soul into the beyond. The Holy Shabd has a ravishing effect and can absorb the soul in It, thereby leading it to the Inner Regions, with the Grace of the Master. 


Spiritual Meditations are the food for the soul and should not be missed. A day off puts back your progress considerably. These practices should please therefore be performed faithfully, regularly and sweetly. They are designed as a first step to take your soul up above your body inwardly to the Radiant Form of the Master, who will then guide you and take you further up, step by step, till your goal is reached. Thus you will see the difference between the rituals performed within the domain of body and senses and those that take you above the body consciousness. 


As explained in my previous letter, you have to get out of your physical body and travel in the higher planes. So whenever you get a chance, you should neither be frightened nor try not to get up. The Master-Power is constantly with you and it is His Grace that works to take you up. You should feel assured that you are protected and helped by Master-Power and given the armour of Five Charged Names which you should repeat and no power can harm you. During meditations, you should not think of outside environments, nor your body. But see within penetratingly into the middle of whatever you see within. When thoughts come to the body, itching etc., is felt. Sit in any comfortable, posture to avoid cramping. 


I am glad to find that you are devoting some time for your Holy Meditations with the Grace of the Master. The casual spells of dryness or vague feelings do intervene as a result of reaction of past karma, when the child disciple should muster more of courage and determination in sticking to the Sacred schedule of regularity. It may be pointed out for your information that during such periods the loving protection of the Master becomes more strong as you have felt with His Grace. The Holy Meditations when undertaken in a spirit of dedication to the Master become more fruitful with His Grace. Your earnest prayer for having regularity is appreciated. You should stick to your resolutions carefully irrespective of mind’s protests, you will succeed with His Grace. Please note that mind relishes the grooves of habit having formed out of its indulgence in acts of repetitive nature through senses. You are to change its attitude from downward to upward, and all else will come of itself. You are to lay the line track carefully and the powerful engine will run on it with the same speed and velocity. Let your mind be attuned to the Holy Feet of the Master – the Supreme Guide, and try your level best to abide by His Holy Commandments. 


You should try and have more days of retreat when you kept constant remembrance of the Master and meditated for long hours with the result that you were blessed with hearing the Holy Sound Current as coming from the right side, with the Grace of the Master. Keep your Inner Gaze fixed lovingly and penetratingly into the middle of the darkness lying before you, so much so that you forget everything else except Him. If your whole attention is riveted at one place, then naturally your devotion, your practices, will bear fruit and you will develop from day to day. Such like disciplined practices and devotion will also strengthen and protect you against all emotional outbursts and mischief with the Grace of the Master.