
Re. hippies: I appreciate your compassionate attitude for those dear ones who are struggling hard under some mysterious delusion with the hope that they shall be blessed with Divine Illumination. Strange are the Divine Ways of dispensation, when after much of toil and turmoil one happens to be guided to the Living Master. You can well imagine the lot of those poor souls who cannot fathom the gracious protection of the Master-Power. Surely, the fortunate few out of them shall have their way to the Master in due course. 


Drugs, opiates and intoxicants should not be partaken as these will not only affect your health adversely but shall be detrimental for your Spiritual Progress. You should please leave off all such drugs and learn to live without their use. Smoking is equally harmful and you should consult same homoeopath in this behalf to prescribe some useful medicine for overcoming this filthy habit. You need not undergo migraine headaches, which may be cured by living a normal life full of relaxation without the aid of any stimulants. It is the result of … which has resulted in this set back when you are to suffer from serious pains. Be natural, sober, serene and cheerfully receptive to the ever present Master-Power working overhead. 


It appears to be the offset of LSD when you happened to notice shining blue light on your friends profile changing into different faces when you see differently being under the spell of narcotics. You should avoid all such things to have a refined state of mind, so very much necessary for Spiritual Progress within.


You should try to dissuade your wife from taking alcoholic drinks and bring her round with love and affection. Example is better than precept. When she will realise the virtues of abstinence reflected in your life and conduct, she will automatically try to follow your example. Whenever there is perfect conventional atmosphere and both of you are in good mood, you may impress upon her that through the Grace of a Master she can drink the elixir of life, which is much more intoxicating and inebriating than the alcoholic drinks. Besides the Spiritual Inebriation is lasting whereas the alcoholic intoxication is only temporary. The Spiritual Elixir leads one to Heaven whereas alcoholic drinks pave the way for the blazing inferno. Spiritual Elixir leads to moral and social uplift whereas alcohol results in moral depravity and social degradation. I hope that by your own example and persuasion on the above lines, she will soon bid farewell to the deluded path and start treading the Path of Spirituality by the Grace of the Master. 


I appreciate your kind sentiments for your friends when you wish them to progress spiritually. The so called spiritual experiences had under the spell of drugs are misleading and are rather likely to affect your Inner Progress. Spirituality is a research into the realms of reality – the consciousness. Please convey my Love to your friends and encourage them to study the Sacred Literature relating to the Holy Path for grasping the theory, and adapt themselves to the strict vegetarian and teetotalarian diet. When they feel satisfied and desire to be initiated they should apply through the local representative and necessary arrangements will be made for putting them on Way back to God.