Part II / VIII – V


I was away on tour to different places in the Punjab. This time over 300 people were initiated, and all of them had wonderful experiences.

I am glad you are progressing. The Master is ever with you, guiding and helping at every step. If you go inside and contact the Master within, he will talk to you and you will be overjoyed. I wish you speedy progress. Please be regular in your practice and you will progress.


Everyone is a precious personality and must have his due reward. Everyone has been endowed with great potentialities which can be developed by making proper use of Master’s Grace. The Master has, out of compassion and love for His children, blessed them with the benign holy Shabd and if the loving children learn to obey Him they will improve their welfare. The Master has great love and compassion for one and all.


Ruhani Satsang means spiritual gathering and stands for that. It is universal for all humanity, and is the Way to God as taught by all the Masters

I am glad you were put on the Way for which you are working regularly. If others who were put on the way have left under some misapprehension, it would have been to their interest if they had written to me and clarified the whole position. It is, however, up to them. It is simply delaying their progress on the way to God. I still have love for them. Whenever they will turn their faces this way, they will be welcomed.


Fortunate are those who avail themselves of the opportunity, while in this life, to attain Spiritual progress. The Master-Power’s Grace is always available to the initiates and crowns their efforts with success.


You need not magnify your troubles as the gracious Master-Power is always over your head. You should consider yourself as a humble servant of the Lord-Master and attend to the duties entrusted to you with diligence and earnestness, caring little for the rewards.

Such trials and tribulations are part of the normal routine of physical life and equanimity of attitude will bless you with rare strength and fortitude.


Every initiate of a competent Master is destined to reach his True Eternal Home. The speed is accelerated when the disciple obeys the words of the Master. In this way great progress is made here and now. When an initiate reaches Sach Khand, he or she is free from all passions and desires and is in a complete state of bliss. The question of one being assigned the duty of Master depends upon the Lord.


The truth is that God is spirit and can be worshipped in spirit only. We cannot worship Him with human hands and much less in hand-made temples and synagogues. He dwells in the in-most depths of the human soul. He is immanent in every form and not apart from forms. All colours and all patterns alike take their hue and design from Him alone. Whether we believe in Him or not, we actually live in Him and have our very being in Him.


Prophecies are merely calculations limited to the comprehension of the human intellect, whereas the Divine Plan is subject to no physical laws.


Never mind about your past, no matter how gloomy or unhappy it has been, because the gracious Master-Power has blessed you with the climax of Divine Mercy when you were privileged to be led to the Living Master and were accepted by Him.

Let the waters of repentance wash away the dross and impurity of the heart, and then strive for a better mode of living by complete dedication of heart and soul. The Light of God is ahead within and the Heavenly Melody is inviting you to let it escort you to His holy Feet.


The article you sent is quite interesting and it is a good sign that some of the scientists are now coming to see the Truth of the teachings of the Masters and coming together to the conclusion that the basic reality of our universe is not matter but Music, the Sound Principle reverberating in and through all creation. The initiates know it and are put on the Way to contact this aspect of the expression of the Great Creator and enjoy the great symphony of the incessant Music flowing therefrom. This is what Plato called the Music of the Spheres. You see, therefore, how fortunate and blessed are those who are initiated by a Competent Master into the mysteries of the Beyond. And if the initiates fail to make progress now that they have been given a contact with the Divine Music, by not putting in daily effortless effort, they will be missing a rare opportunity.


Masters overhead are considering if the disastrous future should be evaded. Let us hope in Their benign love for our future good. Those who have transcended the physical-self and seen the Beyond, to them the world’s view becomes altogether changed as they see the whole thing from the level of the soul. For them no fear of death is left. Now you see how important it is to rise above the body immediately and to contact the Beyond. You have the way up; the only question now is to give time to the spiritual practices as prescribed by the Master, in an accurate way, with no hurry or clutching attitude, leaving all to the Master Who is working overhead.

If you will be regular in your practice in an accurate way, you will progress from day to day. Reactions of our past karmas as well as the present ones go a long way to help or retard our progress. I hope you realize that you have progressed fairly well as compared with what you were in the past, and more progress still awaits you. The Master-Power is working over your head and awakening the real man in you. The dreams you have are the reactions of the sub-conscious mind, which is filled with the impressions of the past, the dreading of the day, and the fears of the future. If you do Simran for some time and have some sweet remembrance of the Master as the last thing in the night before going to sleep, the dreams will, in due course, cease to afflict you.

Love does not grow in fields, nor can it be purchased from an apothecary’s shop, for it is an impulse which is awakened, kindled and fired by the lyrical glances coming from the eyes of a love-laden soul. There is another way also, poor though it may be – try to remember the one you wish to love at all times. This constant remembrance gradually develops into love. This love helps all around. It keeps your mind always directed toward the Master. When it is strengthened, you will begin to lose body-consciousness. A sword, when it strikes, cuts a thing in twain, but the sword of love is such that it unites and cements two hearts into one.


The world has arrived at that particular cycle in its evolution where there will be a great outpouring of spirit as foretold by the Scriptures and Sages.

Through the Master’s Grace many long hidden esoteric truths will be made known to the world, especially to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.


If one is spiritually developed in life, he or she remains so in after-life, but if one is not so developed, how can he develop after death? We have a golden opportunity now in the human body wherein we can develop to any degree of perfection and can become detached from the things of this world.

When one has developed overwhelmingly in love and devotion for the Master and has advanced spiritually so much so that he or she has become detached from worldly things, he needs not return to earthly life, but will proceed onward in the Inner Planes with the guidance of the Master-Power residing with him.

If only the initiates would do and act as they are told, surely they will rise up into the Regions of Light and Supreme Joy and meet the Radiant and Charming Master face to face.

It may seem difficult, but it is a practical possibility and is within the reach of everyone with the Grace of the Master.

Everything that is holy, lovely and good is hard, but the rewards are supremely superb.


Psychic phenomenon shows only the experience you have on the Way up. These are the means to the end, but not the Goal. Time factor is necessary in the attainment of all things.


Regular attendance at the Satsang meetings is very useful and helpful. It keeps the mind on the spiritual trace. Avoidance of undesirable society is still another necessary factor, and all of these are extremely important in the beginning. A sapling needs water and nourishment. These factors go to nourish it, until it grows into a big tree which mighty elephants cannot shake. The outgoing faculties are to be inverted and the mind stilled. For this the remedy has already been given to you. Consider how great a blessing of God you have received. You can develop it while living in the world. Be brave. You cannot run away. That is the work of a coward.

But there is one important thing to note. Try to surrender completely to the Master and under the cover of His Power, Protection and Grace, you will wade through the waters of life unscathed. The loving Father will protect you like a baby, in the might of His strong arms, and pass you scot-free from the fires of life without a burn. Everyone errs. Through these errors you have to grow into a pure and lustrous soul. Weed out the shortcomings, one by one. The diary is a necessity and must be used for this purpose. It helps you to keep an eye on your ethical side of life, for this must be developed along with the spiritual growth. Remember that the Father wants to embrace His child. If the child’s clothing is soiled with dirt or mud, he will not forsake him, but cleanse the child and take him or her into His lap. He is always with His children whom He loves, a hundred times more than the proverbial love of a mother.

I am glad you felt the Master walking with you on 7th June, to shake off your great load of anxiety and paralysing nervous reactions of the wrongs done to you by others, and that it toned your spirits. As long as you live in the world, you must be up and doing. You must work with ambition and whole-heartedly, and therein lies all beauty. All of creation is beautiful. You love God. As He is immanent in every form, you must love all His creation. But be not attached. Just as you go to a garden, you enjoy the beauty of the flowers and the verdure of the bushes, but you do not pluck the flowers or uproot the plants, otherwise the gardener would take you to task. You cannot have the results according to your desires or expectations. So always do your best and leave the results to the Master overhead and whatever the results are, take them with good cheer. They are always beneficial to the initiated, because the Master-Power working overhead knows what is best of His ailing child.

Married life is no bar to spirituality, provided it is led in accordance with the scriptural injunctions. You may seek a companion for your earthly sojourn, one who is of your way of thinking, and anxious to seek a higher worldly life. It would be helpful to both of you. My best wishes are always with you. You may go where you like, live anywhere, and do anything that may serve to help your inner progress. Anything that may retard your inner progress will not be in your interest.

Should you get a chance to come to India on any assignment and be able to be near me, I will be glad to see you. The effect of personal aura and personal environments cannot be underrated. But while it is so, the Master is not limited by time or space. He is always with you even though He be thousands of miles away.

Please learn to be receptive to His Grace and feel His kindly presence riding with you on the busses, chatting with you in the street, sitting with you in the park, by your office desk, accompanying you every morning to the office, slowing down by the lily pond to check the new flowers and walking with you in the evening all the way back by the new moon.

Master is always with the disciple and never leaves him or her until the end of the world. The Father will never disown His children.