Part II / VIII – IV


Human body is the priceless asset granted by Providence and its adequate maintenance is the prime concern of the disciplined initiate. Your endeavours for increasing the flow of physical energies with aid of … is noted. Please note that the physical body is suffused with infinite strength and vitality if one lives in accordance with the commandments of the Master. These lay great stress on self restraint.


You should always accept whatever comes your way unasked for, and in a natural way, as therein lies your betterment. Work is worship. Be patient and earnest in the discharge of the duties entrusted to you. Such a routine will bless you all around with His Grace.


The inner revelations of Divine Order bless the child disciple with wisdom of a subtle type, and the intellect is sharpened in due course. Your interpretation is correct that one is empowered to read the minds of others. But it is dangerous to meddle with the affairs of others. If spiritual attainments are dissipated in suchlike showy things, there is every possibility of losing the hard-earned spiritual merit.


The disciplined initiates should be all the more humble, pious and overwhelmingly grateful for the Divine grace. You should know that the Lord is hidden to the naked eye and those to whom He does manifest must be silently receptive and resigned to His Will and Pleasure.


Spirituality is the highest Goal in man’s life and it is also the most difficult. Only those who are really in search of the Truth should venture forth to tread on this Path.


The spiritual aspirant, like a good horseman should endeavour to keep his feet in both the stirrups for gaining all round success. Such a happy and serene life becomes an asset when you accomplish success on spiritual as well as worldly sides. My best wishes are always with you.


As long as we do not have an inner experience of the soul, we remain in utter darkness. Bookish knowledge becomes a headache as it draws the mind out into the world through the senses and makes it feel identified with the senses by constant association with the world. On the contrary, self-knowledge satisfies the innate craving and hunger of the soul for peace and happiness. All that we need learn is the Book of Man, for the greatest study of man is man.


Please carry on steadily in order to progress from day to day and enjoy the true peace and bliss of the Beyond. You are always in my mind. Life is full of struggles and troubles. You have to wade through them. It is a liquidation of one’s karmas. Please do so with cheer. You have at your back the great Master-Power extending all feasible help and protection. That Power shall never leave you until the end of the world.


Reading of books is a good thing. But their purpose is that one should mould his life so that the good about which one reads becomes a part of his life.


They very fact that we exist makes us want to understand the process of life. How and why have we come into existence and what happens after death?

The discovery of the theory of evolution by modern science does not fully satisfy us, for it deals with the physical side only and does not account for the Higher Planes of manifestation, i.e. the Spiritual Planes. In the teachings of Sant Mat we are given the knowledge of the soul and its journey to the source.


You have been put on the Way to God, which is the most natural and easiest of all. Do not be led away from the Path. Transcend the body and have a flight in the higher regions, in order to know thyself and see that you are a drop of the Great Ocean of Consciousness.


Radiate love to all creation. The Grace of the Master-Power is working over your head bountifully. As you sow, so shall you reap. Let your physical sojourn be sweetly ethical, co-operative, and tolerant. Without these virtues the great spiritual flights evade you.

Be watchful! We are on the way to Perfection. We are not yet perfect. Be steadfast and careful, with faith in the Master-Power overhead, and proceed from day to day. You are protected by the Master-Power working overhead. Depend on Him. You will have all the necessary inner help. The Master is waiting for His dear children to come to Him within.


Man is the most ancient of all sentient creatures on earth. All religions and all sacred texts came into being only after his advent. All religions were made for the benefit of man and man was never intended for any religion. God made man and man made religions. Man is the author of all scriptures, but the Grand Mystery of life, which the latter describe, ever lies within the human breast.

No one can know and solve it unless some Master-Soul points the Way in and helps the soul to withdraw and transcend all limitations, physical, astral and causal, before one is enabled to have a complete glimpse of the Radiant Form of the Master within, and to listen to the inner Divine Music. 

You have to face facts squarely like a brave person. Such things do come up, but are passing phases. Don’t lose heart. You have to learn to swim through them. You cannot learn to swim on dry land.

Adversities, pitfalls and errors are the waters through which you have to wade with the powerful but loving Grace of the Master who is always with you extending all feasible help, guidance and protection.


Rome was not built in a day and the True Abode of the Lord is not to be attained with a few week’s labour.

Most seekers want quick results. They want miracles and sudden transformations. But the seed generates rapidly only in thin soil and then withers away. The seed that must grow into the life-giving tree must grow more slowly.

The Science of Spirituality as it has been taught by all Masters and as it has been given to you, is a perfect Science. Its truth has been demonstrated by some initial experience. The rest depend upon your individual effort. The Divine Grace is ever ready to pour itself into the vessel, but the vessel must first be ready.


The Path is certainly not easy, but for one who has made such love the corner-stone of his life, nothing could be easier or more certain. Jesus never promised the peace and comfort with which the world is familiar. It was the Cross He offered. We have to suffer to reshape ourselves, to destroy the old and forge the new.


Physical bodies of all are apt to undergo change and are liable to be influenced by diet, climatic conditions, seasons, age etc. Laws of Nature affect everyone more or less according to the extend one has knowledge of them or neglects in following them.

A devoted disciple with simple and cautious living and reposing his all in Master-Power needs not place much thought on karmic situations.

Devotion has always mastered the hard way.


Selfless service means a service for which one does not claim any reward or recognition. It is no imposition or taxation, but a free choice, to subscribe something for the holy cause. You should meet with your mundane expenses and afterward if you happen to save something for your old age, you must save, and over and above that if you have any surplus to subscribe, you may do so.


Man has very great potentialities. He is three times blessed. He possesses body, intellect and soul. Soul is a link man with the All-Pervading God and gives power to both intellect and body. All three aspects in man should be fully developed.


To the loving and obedient disciple there should be no fear of death. It will only change the arena of action for the better, until they are escorted to their final Home.


True renunciation within comes through communion with the Shabd alone. Nature, with all her charms ceases to have any attraction for the renouncer. By renouncing everything, one penetrates into the all-pervading spirit. His attachment to the environments is done away with and his bondage to matter is ended. Thus no more births and deaths await him. Thereafter the life of the senses and the glamour of the world no longer fascinate him for he is on the Way to the Lord.


Gratitude is a tonic for the heart which is the seat of loving humility and adoring devotion.

You are correct in desiring to develop more love for the Master. To love Him, one must follow His Commandments. Until one can love, obey and transform one’s life, the gift of the Master remains as a seek locked away in a steel vault that cannot sprout and grow to fruition.


The Masters of the Sound Current Yoga in speaking of Light and Sound do not refer to outer ones of this world, but to inner transcendent ones. The transcendent Light and Sound, they teach us, are the primal manifestations of God when He projects Himself into creation.

In His Nameless state He is neither light nor sound, neither darkness nor silence, but when He assumes shape and form, Light and Sound emerge as His primary attributes.


Regarding the surgery you mention, you may undergo the same and keep calm. All gracious help and protection comes forth unasked from the Master-Power working overhead.

You are, however, advised to restrict your diet to the strict vegetarian schedule even in the face of medical advice, which will enable you to pass unscathed during this ordeal with the Grace of the Master.

You should resort to the repetition of the sacred Charged Names mentally, while fixing your inner gaze in your eye-focus, and sweetly thinking of the Master during your bed confinement.

Besides you should try to attempt listening to the holy Sound Current as coming from the right side while reclining or in a lying position in bed. All this will go a long way in blessing you with rare courage and fortitude to withstand the hazards of physical pain and mental agony.