Part II / VIII – III


Most of our attachments and actions in life are to pay off the karmic debts. Your going to relatives again and again was one of them, but this should not worry you. Now that you are on the right Path, nothing else should matter. Live where you like, do your meditations regularly with a firm faith in the Master and continue repeating the holy Names all the time. It will help you and will serve as a protecting wall around you.


I am sorry for the passing away of your dear sister. She was a loving soul and met with a peaceful end, all with the Grace of the Master. The physicians cannot comprehend the protection of the gracious Master-Power, which is always extended to the child disciple when he or she departs for good in the Beyond.

Her appearance to you in a dream state has a significance, which you could not adequately understand. She wished for her son not to be perturbed about her departure. Your part is to console him and guide him whenever necessary. You should rest assured about her satisfaction in the Beyond with the Grace of the Master.


This Science of Spirituality is definite and natural with sure results. It has been given many names throughout the past. All the past Masters gave the same teachings as did Jesus Christ. It is a universal teaching in all the religions of the world and this is amply borne out by the sacred scriptures everywhere. The theory, in whole or in part, of course, differs in various circles of the faithful, but the Divine links of Light and Sound are only given by a practical Living Master. The distinctive feature of this natural Science is that one first contacts the Master inside, face to face in His Luminous Form and may also talk to Him as one ordinarily does outside. So, in this science, true meditation begins only when one meets the Master within face to face and talks to Him. This is the practical side of all religions for approach to Absolute God during one’s lifetime.


I appreciate your kind sentiments for dear … and other relatives. Your compassionate attitude for their physical and spiritual improvement is notable. The gracious Master-Power extends equal loving Grace and protection to the blood and near relatives of His initiates, and your loving sentiments may prove efficacious to each of them in bringing them to the holy Path. You may encourage every one to understand the theory of the sacred teachings and side by side, the higher values of spiritual beatitude, and when they have grasped the theory fully, and are able to follow the prescribed dietary regulations, they may apply for holy initiation and necessary arrangements will be made for their being put on the Path.


I am sorry for your recent indisposition which is now a matter of the past and you have withstood the strain very well with the Grace of the Master. Physical troubles do crop up at times due to the reactions of past karmas, when the child disciple is obliged to undergo a purification process for eventual spiritual progress. You need not entertain any apprehensions whatsoever on this score as the gracious Master-Power will enable you to regain your lost energy through the refined pure vegetarian diet. You may, however, go ahead with your old age pension application and it will be in your best interest and will provide you with an allowance for your maintenance. Your dear husband is so good and kind to you and this is indeed heartening. Kind-hearted people are abundantly rewarded for their noble deeds. Please convey may love to him.

It does not matter if your present state of health does not permit you to meditate in the prescribed postures. You can sweetly relax in a lying or reclining position in your bed or on a couch, and meditate in that position. You will find that with the Grace of the Master, the withdrawal of sensory currents from the body below to the eye-focus will become possible, and you will be able to enjoy the serene bliss of Divine Lights and holy Sound Current within. You should not strain your nerves but instead learn to relax, and relax completely and let the Master-power transport you within to the regions of pure bliss and harmony.


Most fortunate are those who get a link within at the Tenth Door of the Light and Sound of God, to be developed from day to day. The huge mass of humanity is groping in the dark in feelings, emotions and inferences and is not prepared to receive this rare gift. The Master working overhead is aware of all that occurs within the initiates and He continues to work for their benefit.


To have one’s feet in different boats is likely to damage one’s own interests. It is regrettable that … should be dividing her attention and thereby harm her own spiritual interests. I have, however, love for her and will be glad to see her devote whole hearted attention to her spiritual progress. We have a need for the Masters that have gone and their valuable spiritual experiences, now forming part of the scriptures as these, to kindle a desire in us to obtain those spiritual experiences and peace which they had attained. But the necessity for a Living Master for one’s own inner development is a Divine Law. It is good that you understand it fully.

If one has benefited from a Master up to a certain level, one should be thankful for whatever one has attained through him. So, there is nothing wrong in your being helpful to the representative who helped you to come to a certain point beyond which he could not help you. You might explain their Yoga practices and those of Sant Mat and the great need for coming to the Master’s teachings. Divine Justice is an order under the Divine Law whereby exact rewards are afforded to one according to what one does, be it good or bad, painful or otherwise. Divine Grace may be termed compassion from the Lord overhead, which works through the Master’s impersonal love and sympathy. It is this Divine Grace and love which helps all those who pray for it from their hearts, of course, through the Master.


Spirituality is more a practical Science than a mere theoretical dissertation. The various scriptures of the different religions of the world provide us with the theoretical aspect only and cannot give us a demonstrative experience of the Reality in the laboratory of the human body.


Do not worry if you stumble; there is always your Master by you to take your hand. Those who stray away just harm their own interests, and it is unfortunate that one may be led away by catchwords and propaganda. In the absence of a Live Force deterioration and stagnation sets in and frantic efforts are always made by the interested parties to try to carry on their work.


The noblest service one can render in this world is to help people tread on their way to their True Eternal Home. No financial service would be too great for assisting such a noble cause. But it should always be loving and spontaneous. No compulsion, no taxation, no impositions. If the disciple will only learn to love, all other things will follow of themselves.


There is one God and there is only one Way to Him. You have been put on the Way. A follower may notice some similarities in the preliminaries when following any Path. But when one is inclined to be practical, he will find that anything similar is not necessarily the same on the Way to God.

The road to perfection lies in walking rather than in talking and such a thing as judging others or the Master from one’s own view point or understanding gained so far, is hardly justified or proper for anyone. All are on the road to Perfection and it is not wise for anyone to find fault with others.


How fortunate is the child who reposes fully, and surrenders completely in the strong, protective and loving care of the Father and becomes care-free and works according to the directions of the benign Father. His life becomes sweet. His problems become easier, and his way clear and easier to tread. Let us all be full of trust in Him.


As regards smoking, you can stop it if you desire and are determined. Where there is a will, there is a way. Lessen the habit gradually and one day you will find yourself free from this burden. Restrict it to ‘after meals’ only and then give it up. Master-Power overhead will be extending all feasible help in amending your habit in this respect if you follow this advice. If by abstaining from smoking, you feel any ailment, you can have recourse to homeopathic medicine i.e. tabacum which will relieve you of all trouble. The habit must be standing in your way of meditation in the form of precedence to ‘smoking’ prior to your resolve to devote time to meditation.


It is unfortunate that interested people are plying the trade of man-hunting and lead the true seekers astray by their wild propaganda and nefarious activities to achieve their own end.

It is indeed a great service to make a dreary child find its way to the Father and contrarily it is the height of sin and stupidity to prevent one going the right way and to misguide him. Your timely action is appreciated as you have forewarned him that all that glitters is not gold.

The initiates of Ruhani Satsang have a firm footing to stand upon as they are invariably blessed with inner celestial manifestation to start with, through the Grace of the Master.


I had been feeling for many months the great hardships that you were facing. It had been my constant worry and you have always been in my mind. I hope you will now write fully about all that. When the Lord wants to make a great poem of a man’s life, He sends him or her to the school of privations, worries and difficulties, and all the time He keeps extending His protective hand over him or her to pass through unscathed.

The teachings of the Masters are for all mankind, all the human beings, the ensouled bodies and therefore, draw no distinction between East and West. Shorn of all rituals and ceremonies, they aim at the liberation of the soul or consciousness in man from the bondage of mind and matter and it merges in All-Consciousness. It, therefore, requires a little adjustment in one’s way of life and circumstances in the routine of human life. With internal development in due time, outer vacillations do not deflect one in his or her inner flight to one’s True Eternal Home.

It is a happy thing to note that you have a dominant desire to better the world in which you live, and that you worry about the human race and let your Salvation take care of itself through good works and clean living. It is a very noble idea. But the practical way of effectively carrying it out is to first grow into a beautiful flower yourself and then to emit fragrance and sweetness to all, as a matter of course. *You cannot clean the road completely of all the thorns, thistles and the bitter things that lay across it, but surely you can put on strong boots to save your feet from all harm. (* This section is adjusted to the First Edition of 1967; Editor’s Note 2011.) The ethical and clean life is most essential, but without some degree of inner conviction, one would generally run the risk of a lapse, under some severe stress and strenuous strain. This conviction and growth, in fullness of bloom, is necessary and the Master through His sheer Grace and kindness helps to obtain it. Your welfare is as dear to me as a loving Father has for His child.

I do hope that in the thick and thin of your busy life, you will try to snatch some time daily. During these periods cut yourself off entirely from the outside world, your environments, your body, and intune yourself or soul, sweetly and lovingly with the celestial Light and heavenly Music. Develop from day to day so as to attain a conviction necessary to ward off the stormy onslaughts that you encounter in your daily life.

In the Divine dispensation as well, the law of demand and supply operates as much as in all other spheres of life. If anyone is benefiting by treading the Path to God, it is because of the Grace of my Master which is invisibly working and helping him or her up. To be on the way to one’s holy Home, is the highest of all the privileges that a human birth confers, and with the Grace of the Master-Power working overhead, it is possible to achieve it. It is a gift of God through the Godman.