Part II / VIII – II


Your example shall shine like a torch in the darkness and men, even those who may at first oppose you, will turn to you for guidance and help. You will find a new sense of peace surging through you, a peace that does not depend on the absence of outer disturbances, but is an inner state of mind that stands unshaken even in the most tempestuous situations.


Your growing aversion to worldly pleasures is another step forward toward your spiritual progress under the protective guidance of the Master. One must be in the world attending to the duties and obligations assigned to him or her, but one should do these in a very detached manner. Such an attitude will not be binding but will become a source of liberation and blissful harmony with the Grace of the Master.


There is no need to dread any catastrophe that may occur. The souls who are on the Way are being and will be looked after and extended all feasible help by the Master-Power working over them.

They world affairs are not too good, but the initiates’ duty is clear. They have their ideal before them, and they should continually and lovingly work for it. Regardless of what occurs, the initiates have a privilege. They have the Master-Power working over their heads. He is constantly looking after their benefit and extends all feasible help and Grace.

Please do not worry if everything is shaken all over the country. Such things do happen. The Master-Power will be extending all feasible help and protection to the dear loving souls.

If any of the dear ones should stray and will not accept the great love and the protection that the Master always extends to His children, they will delay their own spiritual progress, and mere change of residence will be of no avail.


Although the times are growing more difficult from day to day, and evil prevails on the surface of the earth because man has forgotten God, it is an opportunity for the initiates to be faithful to their spiritual practices and make steady progress within, because therein lies their safety and that will not only help them, but will help others as well.


When a candle is lit, it should not be placed in an obscure place or under a bushel, but instead it should be placed at such a place where it may shed Light for the blind and world-weary children who seek their way to the True Home of their Father through the gracious guidance of the Living Master.


No work can be loftier or contains more grandeur than that of helping the struggling souls find a way to their True Home so that their endless struggle may come to an end.


I am sorry for the passing away of your precious brother, who was much loved by you. He was a loving soul and met with a glorious end, leaving behind a legacy for the dear ones, which will serve as an inspiration for the initiates and others.

You should rest assured that he has been fully taken care of in the Beyond and his broad smile before passing away is a gesture of his gratitude, which he confirmed fully, that the Master was with him.

Your experience of seeing him climbing the ladder, full of robust optimism is a positive proof that he is enjoying perpetual bliss in the Beyond, the Eternal Home of his Father.


The Group Leaders certainly owe much to the holy cause. They not only lead the group, but carry the Gospel of Truth, love and tolerance to others and as such, need to exercise extra care and vigilance.

People with varying intentions attend the holy congregations. Some come with deep reverence, humility and devotion and earn their fortune by assimilating the sacred virtues and imbibing the sacred teachings in their proper perspective. Others may be coming to find fault with the organization.

If the leader is upright, sober and spiritually devoted within, the malicious person will not be able to inflict his or her intentions. Other wise conflict is the natural consequence.


I am most happy for your loving efforts in taking the children’s class. It is so good that you are watering the young saplings, which when grown in stature will prove an asset for society with the Grace of the Master.

The children of tender age if taught the art of meditation will do much better in their later days when they will find the guiding hand of the Master over their heads.


How fortunate is a child who will repose fully and surrender completely in the strong and protective arms and loving care of the Father! He then becomes care-free, leaving all the work to the Merciful and benign Father, of working out things as he deems best.  Such a life becomes supremely sweet and all his problems become easier and his way becomes clear and smooth. The Master-Power is constantly extending all feasible help and blessings. Let us fully repose our trust in Him. The fortunate ones do as the Master says, and receive all the necessary material help, which goes a long way to assuage the severity of the karmic debts. The difficulties and troubles may come, but they pass off without leaving an ugly mark behind.  Please do not lose heart.


Fortunate are those to whom the Master grants an opportunity, however small, to serve His holy cause. Master has appreciation for all those who do His work.


Ups and downs do come. Even the darkest cloud has a silver lining. We must always look to the bright side of things. Many good and necessary lessons are derived from adversities. These are indeed helpful. 


I am sorry for the passing away of your dear brother who was in South Africa. It is the supreme Will of the Lord. Each one of us has to leave this physical plane in our turn. You should, however, be glad to know that the gracious Master-Power extends all feasible Grace and protection for the near relations of the initiates under His Will.


The physical life granted to us is a great opportunity and we should make the best use of it. Playing with worldly charms and temptations is just like trifling with toys.


The 'Crown of Life', published last year, is a banquet hall of Spirituality dealing with the Science of the Soul in all aspects. Many a dear one has benefited and appreciated its sublime worth.


Man is the highest of all creation. His greatness lies in rising into Higher Consciousness of which he is an essence. The awakening of a soul into the higher Over-soul is the essential part of man and without achieving it human life’s greatness is ruined. It is transcension into higher realms. It is only rising above body-consciousness and does not involve death. You need not be afraid of it. It will do you no harm. One should yearn for such a high life for herein lies true bliss and tranquility.


Prophecies are not always correct. The destiny of children humanity is controlled by the gracious Master-Power. Human intelligence is far too dull to comprehend the Divine Laws.

The initiates in the USA or elsewhere need not be afraid of any impending catastrophe. The souls who are on the Way are being and will be looked after; they are under the custody of Master-Power working overhead, extending all feasible help.

Everyday brings untold opportunities for spiritual perfection, and the disciplined initiates look forward eagerly to the allotted hour to be devoted within for the enjoyment of Divine revelations.


Out of a loving heart a man speaks. Love, full of devotion, clears the way to God. The yearnings are the foreshadows of God coming to us. Ours is to sit at the door, fully reposed, to receive His blessings, with no clutching whatsoever. That which comes from a loving heart draws forth love from others. There is much in store for everybody and the same awaits you. The Master-Power overhead is watching your interests in all matters, spiritual and Divine and even little step onwards will surely bring you nearer the Goal.


How wonderful it is to surrender completely to the One Who is Competent and Loving and to feel His kindly presence and grace working in every sphere of life.  I am glad that you truly and sincerely want to give obedience to the Master and are aware of the need for house cleaning. The more one is able to develop receptivity by keeping His Commandments, the more one is able to feel, retain and enjoy His Grace. The Master-Power working overhead will help you in all your efforts.  The involuntary tears that flow down the cheeks in loving remembrance of the Master, will wash away all the dirt of the mind. The Master’s Grace and blessedness is boundless.


Sitting in sweet remembrance of the Master is exactly what the words imply. There is no technology involved in it. It is simple enough – a feeling of deep-seated love naturally created within, or a longing.  The quiet solitude of a place can be helpful to meditation. Service to the beloved Master is one of the potential factors that help to cleanse the vessel of a person, and it is a powerful aid in getting within. To go within is the first and foremost duty of a disciple, and this can be achieved through the Grace of the Master which in turn is hastened by the disciple living a life of love, service and meditation, for they are linked and co-related to each other. 


I have read the bulletin you received predicting the destruction of America. Those who are adept in astrology, do predict the coming events by their calculations. It may not necessary be all true. They make general statements.  The coming years of course appear to be fraught with all kinds of terror, destruction, privations and miseries. When it will come, it will assume a proportion of destruction extending all over the world. The East will not be immune from this. No one will be able to help the other, even should you resort to the hills in a body, for all gathering anywhere will be subject to bombs. The countless people who are given over to a sensuous life will suffer the most. There will be a clash between class and class, country and country, and each one will try to dominate the other. The deeds of darkness are increasing day by day. It has become hard for an honest man to live in the world. When vice reigns supreme, the Negative Power would not spare anyone and it is now trying to restore the lost equilibrium.  When the branches of trees encroach upon the road and come in the path of the wayfarers, the roads are cleared by the horticulture department. So the Negative Power would not spare anyone, for it is after clearing the way by the horticultural process of Nature, viz. Destruction by wars and diseases.

Let us therefore cast off deeds of darkness and put on the armour of Light and devote ourselves heart and soul to the remembrance of the Lord and repose all our hopes in Him and the Master working overhead. The more we follow a virtuous life, these calamities, if they do befall us, will not affect us. The devout and virtuous need not worry in the least.

Thy days are numbered,

is an ancient saying.

I would say the very morsels we take and the breaths that we inhale are all numbered.  Each man has to cast off the mortal raiment in a manner predestined and preordained by past karmas, viz. by disease or accident. Death cannot befall any one before it is due. Then why worry? We may not know as to how we will meet death, by disease or by accident, but one thing is certain, if the sweet remembrance of the Lord exists as the time, we will have a peaceful death, as the Master’s presence will be overhead.

The only thing that is required is to have sweet remembrance of the Lord at all times. We would, therefore, repose all our hopes in the Master, remain where we are and watch our progress. If any calamity does befall, do not lose heart, but use your common sense and have recourse to the means best suited to the occasion. You need not dread any dreams or passing rumours. The Master-Power overhead will guide and help all of the time, here and hereafter.


Photographs should be kept only for remembrance and not for visualizing. Dwelling on photographs will, after some time, bring the picture before you which will neither speak nor move to guide you inside. On the natural Path mind has to be stilled. Everything will come naturally and unasked.