Part II / VIII – I


It is amusing to read that you hear reports of utter demolition of Chicago, New York and Washington D.C. and that those living near the Bahai Temple alone would be saved. This frightens you and you wonder why a good and loving God would demolish places and people like that. God that is charged with the duty of rewarding the virtuous and punishing the wicked is just. Justice prevails in His Domain. The Masters are Love Personified, and hence mercy and compassion prevail in Their sphere of work. You need not feel frightened even if such wholesale demolition takes place, for it will be because of the just laws of the Lord of Justice, and temples, mosques and other such places will be no exception. But as said above, you need not be afraid of such things. The Master-Power will surely be taking care of those under His protecting wings. They should, therefore, develop their inward progress. The Master sends them help at every moment. Let them make use of it considering that the world and the worldly material has to be left behind sooner or later.


Man is a social being and has to live in some society. Numbers are no index to wisdom, yet holy places of worship are crowded with them. We need these to be the purest and wisest men of life. The society should live by the law of love, be ruled by guardians of the moral law, and live a simple frugal life.  I am not trying to found a sect, but am after gathering holy men of life, of purity, of simplicity and loving devotion to God in all, and to all in God. It is of no good to renounce one religion or the other, but to have inner renunciation, like St Francis and other Saints who renounced everything at heart but were God-possessed.


As for knowledge of God, it is a definite and complete Science of Nature unchanged since life began on earth. Very rarely does one come across this Science. It is God-made and not man-made. It has remained an unrecorded Science.

There is one God and there is only one way to Him. The elementary steps may be different. The knowledge has both theoretical and practical aspects. The theory is simple: the Power, Almighty God, works on a selected human Pole to become His mouthpiece, to give His Own Knowledge to those who long for Him and want to be with Him. God is love, our souls are also love, and the Way to God is through love. Soul has to withdraw from the physical body and enter His Kingdom through the guidance and help of a practical Master or Saint, Who is ‘Love Personified’. With His guidance the soul transcends the body and traverses the Higher Planes.

There is a more practical side too – the Master-Saint is able to give first-hand experience at the very first sitting to all seekers (however little it may be, each according to his or her receptivity) to have Inner Vision and contact with the Inner Voice of God that is called Word, the Sound Principle. This Ever-existing inner Voice then becomes the Guide of man in the interior of his self. It is the Master accompanying the disciple at each step on the way inside.  Master meets and talks inside in His Radiant Form and guides the disciple on the inner way up. Contacting a True Master is, therefore, necessary for those wishing to be on the Way.

Telepathy is transference of thought and thoughts emanate from the mind and mind has to be stilled. Eyes have to be shut from all external views, and the ears closed to all outer sounds. The spirit current of the body must be withdrawn to one centre.  This is done according to the instructions and the experience given at the time of initiation. This is, briefly, what is called Spirituality. Science of Para Vidya of most ancient days is known today as Sant Mat in India.


Hearing of inner music at its lower links by a person is not something unusual. It is the result of reactions of past karmas. It gives some pleasure and joy to the hearer, but he does not know how to develop the process from stage to stage to reach one’s True Eternal Home of everlasting Peace, Joy and Bliss. This is not at all possible by one’s own unaided efforts or through the help of a spiritualist medium who can only call souls of the lower planes. The souls who are under the control of a Master-Soul, are altogether inaccessible to mediums. According to the Law of Sympathy, the apparitions of dead persons may come to a dying person, but will be of no avail or help to the latter as they are just roamers of a lower strata and, therefore, powerless to be of any effectual help. In the case of initiates under the care of the Master, the Master in all His Glory and Radiance comes to receive them at the time of their final exit and places them at higher inner planes in order to ensure for the progress on the Path.

Some of the teachers of Theosophy had inner access and the extent up to which they ascended has been referred to by them in their books. That information is quite useful in as much as it has a testimonial value for an initiate and holds out hope to him or her of the possibility of transcension into higher inner planes under the loving care and guidance of a genuine Master. Their intrinsic worth, therefore, cannot be more than the sayings of others who have gone inside, as recorded in other holy books.


Discipleship truly consists in unswerving devotion and resignation to the Will and Pleasure of the Master.

By complete resignation, all mental chattering is thrown overboard and then there are no more cravings or desires.

The tumultuous hubbub of the life of the senses is replaced by calm and collected serenity born of resignation and true renunciation.

It is in these silent hours that the spiritual consciousness begins to dawn.


Let it be clear to you that you have been put on the most natural and the easiest way to the Absolute God as given by Swami Shiv Dayal Singh Ji, Baba Jaimal Singh Ji and Baba Sawan Singh Ji, as it does not involve pranas.  There is no higher Truth than this so far as known to the Masters of the Highest order. Swami Shiv Dayal Singh Ji said that the Master’s job is to take you to Sat Naam and the latter in turn is to absorb the soul into the Nameless One, the Absolute God called Radha Soami by Rai Salig Ram Ji and accepted by Swami Shiv Dayal Singh Ji. This is called by Guru Nanak and others as Soami, Anami, Maha Dayal or Nirala. The term Radha Soami does not denote any new thing, just another name for the Nameless One. If anyone says it is otherwise, he does not appear to be in full knowledge of the facts.  Be rest assured, we are all children of the same Father, the supreme Reality, called by the Master by many names.


All dear souls who have been entrusted with any of the Master’s work are fortunate. They are a privileged staff.  But they have a heavy responsibility to discharge. Their actions react on the fair name of the Master’s work. So they must be loving, tolerant, co-operative and imbued with a desire to render selfless service to mankind and be regularly devoted to their meditations.

All their kind and noble work has its value and is highly appreciated by the Master overhead. I am glad you are trying to be as helpful as possible to all those who come your way.


There are two types of people in the world: first those who can withdraw, introvert and take inspiration directly from the great Power within.  Secondly those who depend on outer aids, like churches or temples for worship. They try to seek inspiration from the great forces of Nature, like the sun, the moon, the snow-covered hill-tops, waters of the sacred rivers, as different manifestations of the One Power behind the entire universe.

Everyone according to his faith and degree of concentration receives some benefit from his mode of worship, for nothing is lost in nature and no effort goes in vain.


The truly yearning hearts are led to the Living Master with His Grace. The sacred teachings of the Masters have a positive approach and are universal in their design and decorum.

All are cordially invited to share the same without any distinction of colour, creed or country.

I shall be glad to assist all true seekers after Truth, who may be lovingly directed to write to me about their welfare.


*I am glad to find that people attended the bimonthly Satsangs despite the inclement weather even though the attendance was comparatively small. It does not matter, as the quantity does not count as much as the quality. The latter is of great importance. (* This section is adjusted to the First Edition of 1967; Editor’s Note 2011.) Your loving and co-operative efforts will be blessed with increasing attendance and the sincere ones will be rewarded for their flawless devotion and determination.


Initiation is pre-ordained. Those who are ordained to receive it in this life get it and not otherwise.


I very much appreciate the love and devotion you have for me. Heart goes out to heart and it is the heart which receives the impulses.

As regards the physical ailments, it is better to do your best and leave the rest to the Master overhead. Please try to devote your regular time to the spiritual practices in an accurate way and it will help you both physically and spiritually. Each one has to bear the burden of his individual karma. That is the Law. As you sow, so shall you reap.


We are hearing of experiments of all kinds. The atom bomb, hydrogen bomb, and rockets and missiles are reaching the moon. The world seems to be in a frantic race – outwitting one another, nationwise, as is apparent.

The way of the initiates is, however, crystal clear. They are to attune themselves with the God-Power. And as God is love, they will be radiating their vibrations of love to all. They are under the protective care of Master-Power overhead, and need have no fear about their physical bodies. It is a covering and has to be shaken off sooner or later.


You have imbibed the sacred Truth, which will in turn be an inspiration to others for bettering their lot with the Grace of the Master. You have received the Crown of Life which adds to your gratitude, thereby unfolding new thoughts for you. Assimilation of holy Shabd in fullness will grant untold strength to the soul which will shine in radiance for the benefit of others.


I am glad for you speedy and miraculous recovery from recent illness. The faithfully obedient and disciplined devotees pass off such physical ordeals cheerfully and remain unscathed.


As you have been accepted you need not worry. It will not be long now. The experience you had is a testimony to the Grace of the Master Who is working overhead. This gives consolation to the newcomers on the way. You may rest assured everything will be alright with the Grace of the Master.


Try to do one thing at a time. If you exercise discipline in all of your affairs, your progress will not be retarded by any amount of extra responsibilities you may have. Try to put in regular hours undisturbed by any thoughts of the material things about you.