Part II / VII – III

Mind and Soul

In regard to your difficult in concentration which you say has increased since your initiation, you will be able to understand this from a parable narrated for your calm consideration.

Mind is just like a horse tied with the fetters of matter and normally it dominates the spirit. Mind being the agent of the Negative Power, is quite satisfied so long as one continues all efforts in its domain and does not resent stillness and concentration. When the mind is attuned Within with the holy in initiation from a Competent Master, the rope is cut assunder, and the soul is set free to travel back into the realms of peace and harmony, which are beyond the scope of the Negative Power. So the impeding forces make a futile attempt to harbour the efforts of the spiritual aspirant, lest the soul is completely dis-encloaked from the bondage of mind and matter.

The factors with which you are confronted are the normal features of a spiritual aspirant. They work as a blessing in disguise when one’s sincerity and integrity are tested at every step, and one becomes more firm and resolute with the Grace of the Master.

You will appreciate that it is due to the overwhelming gracious protection of the Master that the child disciple progresses smoothly on the holy Path. You need not apprehend it in any way, but instead, carry on earnestly and steadfastly.

The God-Power that is responsible for everything must be understood, and this understanding comes only if one is able to know one’s inner self, the soul. As the soul is of the same essence as God this may be achieved by experimenting in the human laboratory under the guidance of a Competent Master. The disciple must rise above body-consciousness for this purpose. As a scientist carries out his experiments in a laboratory under the guidance of a Science Professor, so the disciple in like manner, in the Science of the Soul, is helped by a Competent Master to experience God in the laboratory of the human body and to develop spiritually from day to day.


You will receive immense loving inspiration from the study of sacred books which carry the life-impulse of the Master.  Initiates should always repose their hopes and desires in the ever-present gracious Master-Power. The Sound Current, the Master-Power, is constantly with you, and is your eternal companion. When the Sound Current is strong, it reminds you that He is always with you, working overhead extending His Grace. Turn your face to Him and benefit therefrom.


Spirituality requires simplicity and humility in all spheres of life, which will bless you with more of ravishing bliss, with the Grace of the Master.


Fear is not good and should be discarded by giving your worries over to the ever-present gracious Master-Power working overhead. Fear is always based on some unknown apprehension and one should look at it squarely and then it will flee in no time, as it is a result of your self-created frustration.

Loving humility and piety are the noble virtues which grant complete refuge to the child disciple, and help to face the hazards of physical life.

It is the essence of right understanding to be contented with whatever comes as it is invariably flavoured with Divine mercy and is for our spiritual benefit. Spiritual aspirants revel in this superb understanding. Your brave and courageous attitude in meeting the situation surely will bless you with inner harmony and peace.


There will be moments in the course of developing love for the Master when one, judging from one’s own limited understanding, doubts the validity of the Master’s instructions, but such moments are only tests to make our self-surrender more complete and more secure, and he who passes through these tests successfully, will one day radiate with the glory of God.


Naam keeps the mind and body in a state of equipoise. Peace reigns supreme in its devotee, the ramifications of mind are done away with for ever. All lusts cease to have their hold on the mind. The brain receives a soothing balm. It puts an end to wasteful hurry, and with it go all nervous tensions, mental strain and stress.

Naam gives one Immunity from all bodily and worldly pains and troubles. By withdrawing the attention within, the mind is stilled and the soul is freed of all mental conflicts. All sense of ‘ego’ fades into nothingness.


Love for the Master and complete surrender to His Will, have always been the teachings of all Mystics and especially so of Sant Mat.

Your main task as a disciple and as an initiate, is to cultivate these qualities to the very utmost and leave the rest to the Master.

There will, of course, be moments of doubt and of questioning, but if you can pass through them with your love and your faith unscathed, you will find the spiritual road within steadily unfolding itself before you and all things being added unto you.


In your letter I note that you have an earnest desire for enlightenment and wish to find freedom of the soul.  

Those who yearn for the Lord, arrangements are made in His Divine dispensation to fulfil those yearnings.

Please study the teachings of the Masters in fuller detail and when you have so done, you may please apply on the prescribed form available from the Local Representative for the practical part, which is the linking with the Godly Light and the Heavenly Music within which is to be developed from day to day under the protection and guidance of the Competent Master.


You will appreciate that it is the constantly agitated mind which interferes most with inner progress and the best way to enchain it is to bind it with some disciplined routine, which is conducive to regular spiritual practices. It is during the sublime moments of meditation when the child disciple is attuned with the Infinite to benefit from the incessant flow of Divine Grace, and it is then that the rare boons of right understanding come in increasing measure.


To achieve a degree of self-surrender to the Will of the Master one must not look up to the deity in it's abstract form but in its human form as the Master. For how else is one to know God’s Will directly in order to surrender one’s self to it?

What one may take as an intuition inspired by the Divine may be really one’s own self speaking in disguise, and one may surrender to such seeming intuitions and therefore surrender to the ‘self’, the ego.

However, if one has found a True Master (Who is attuned to the Lord and is His mouthpiece) and obeys Him in all things completely and absolutely, he will surely destroy the ego and reach his Heavenly Home one day.


In this world difficult problems often arise. The disciplined initiates are, however, privileged to view these petty affairs from high and lofty viewpoints of right understanding, considering them to be simply passing phases and thereby maintaining their mental equilibrium.

Persons with weak minds get perturbed and cause further deterioration in their relations, whereas those who are wise enough to understand the basic cause of the difference, overlook such happenings.

You need not magnify your problems but try to view the things from a high and dispassionate viewpoint, which will keep your nerves calmed down and others about you will be equally benefited.

The spiritual aspirants owe much for others who demand an actual and practical demonstration of Truth in their words and deeds.


Human life is a great privilege with many possibilities to develop Godhood within. To those who are earnestly yearning for the Lord, opportunities are afforded in the human incarnation to develop spiritually within under the guidance of a Competent Master.


There is no bar for females attaining Sach Khand as soul is eternal and there is no gender with it. It is the conscious entity of All-Consciousness and merges with its Source in due course.


I am glad the Christmas and Birthday Messages blessed you with inspiration.  The sacred teachings of the Masters are both simple and easy in theory and practice, provided the higher faculties of mind are harnessed for a higher sublime purpose.

An implicit obedience and loving co-operation from the mind of the child disciple is of utmost importance, as all will follow automatically with the Grace of the Master.


Man by nature is a composite being, the component parts being body, mind and soul.  God made man after His own image and so the Saints instruct us: 

Be thou perfect as thy Father in Heaven is perfect.

Thrice blessed is a man on account of the immense and immeasurable possibilities that have been lodged in him by the Make. The very Divinity, with holy Light, life and love, is the very soul of his soul. But alas, what man has made of man, and worse still of himself.


Mind runs away only when the gaze is slackened.  So please develop the habit of putting your heart and soul in the work before you; be it worldly affairs or meditation. The habit of doing one thing at a time will help you to progress inwardly from day to day. Master-Power is always with you and will be extending all feasible help to protection. In fact the Father is waiting with open arms for His child to come up to Him.


The duties of the World have to be done cheerfully while one is on the physical plane. However, the wonderful gift of God that the Master gives is superb and the more you practice it, the more you will enjoy it. Necessary help and protection will always be forthcoming.

Fixing the gaze penetratingly into the middle of what you see, will not let the mind scatter. It runs away only when the gaze is slackened.