Part II / III – V

Guru: His Need and Functions

The Sound is a manifestation of the Master Himself and is an indication of His constant attention and Grace upon you, as it is to everybody who would lovingly seek His Grace. The Master-Power is your constant Companion and is not unaware of the longings that arise in the hearts of the initiates.


I am glad you were able to clear the doubts of those who had confused ideas about the Real Master. The granting of first-hand inner experience of the Light of God within and contacting the Voice of God is a great and a rare privilege and this constitutes the best criterion for distinguishing a Real Master from the so-called masters. Each initiate ought to devote time regularly with faith and love and in this way develop his experience from day to day, and that in turn will give or her further conviction of the True Path on which he or she has been put, until he or she comes face to face with the Living Reality of the Radiant Form of the Master.

Those who turn their faces towards Him, will receive ample proof of His competency. Master’s love for His children is unique and boundless. As regards the Master’s face appearing to you in meditation, and then disappearing when you repeated the sacred Words, it may be said that it was the work of the Negative Power. You should not worry about that. The trouble you had later was not due to this, but to a reaction of past karmas which must be worked out, though their severity and duration is toned down considerably by the Grace of the Master. The loving and sheltering care of the Master-Power is always over your head and you need not feel bewildered at all.


Such illuminating reports of the Master-Power’s gracious protection have been received from various other centres when all attending faithfully not only feel the physical presence of the Master, but often see Him radiantly walking among them. These are all gestures of His Divine grace and protection for His children to reassure them of His continued Grace.


The Master’s love for His children is unfathomable. Often the children are besmeared with dirt. He will not discard them or let them down, but will first clean them of the dirt and then will warmly hug them to His bosom. So you need have no fears, no misgivings and no confusion whatever. But carry on steadily and perseveringly on your part in full faith, love and earnestness. You will get all the necessary help and protection only if you turn your face to Him. The Master’s powerful and protective hands are always over His initiates. Shed everything and carry on lovingly with your job quietly and with calmness.  You are not alone. You are on the right track. You have Somebody to open your heart to and unburden yourself of your worries, darkness and misery. Please be consoled and assured.


All the instances known to history show that no one has ever progressed to the highest conscious selfawareness without the help of a Master. It is rather a Fundamental Law that no one can snap or pierce through the inner veil without the active help and guidance of a Master-Soul. If anybody can do it by himself or herself, let him or her try and see if he or she can do it. When one does not hesitate in learning a thing which  one does not know in this world, why should one have any qualms in one´s search for something that belongs entirely to Spiritual Worlds within? Even if as a result of some reactions of past lives, one may have some experience of his own, he will still require Someone to guide him to further progress on the Path. All those who have been put on the Way, should, therefore, carry on their meditations lovingly and devotedly so that they may progress within, from day to day, and enjoy the sweet internal bliss.


Just as in a hot sultry season when one comes close to a huge block of ice he will be cooled or just as one goes into the shop of a perfume seller, he will get the sweetness of the perfume, so will the persons coming in contact with the Master feel some peace of mind and a sort of bliss and a loving impulse for God-Communion. The Master is like an oasis in a desert. To Him praise or no-praise is of no significance. He has an assigned job from the Lord above and He carries it on lovingly.


Please do not be alarmed about the so-called prophecies as these seldom come true.


those who know say not, and those who say know not,

is a useful adage.

The benign Master-Power working over the heads of His loving children is sufficiently strong enough to extend all feasible help, Grace and protection to them under all circumstances. They need to practise and to be faithfully devoted to their meditations which will enable them to be calm and serenely peaceful.


The Master-Power overhead is always aware of His children’s needs and yearning and He acts in their best interests. All errors must be weeded out one by one, and when the child-disciple is doing his or her best to eradicate these errors, all necessary help comes from within.

This effort may take a long time, but it must and will come about, and much earlier for those who are lovingly and faithfully devoted to the Master.


The tongue of love is dumb. Words cannot express but inadequately what one feels in one’s heart. Whatever they do express, is but a poor caricature. 

You need not be afraid of what I wrote in my Christmas Message. Each one of us should try to seek the pleasure of our Master, at whose feet we are working. My going is not imminent, but you need not be afraid. You are always in my mind. Master-Power will never leave you until the end of the world. The fire of separation that burns in the heart cannot be quenched by the tears that flow. As flowers precede the fruits on a tree, similarly yearning and anguish of heart precede the coming of the Master within. Each tear shed in sweet remembrance of the Master brings you closer to Him. If you keep Him in your mind, naturally you are in His mind.


The Master’s love for His children, who are all dear to Him, never wanes. It is unfortunate when a child disciple shuts his or her heart and this sweet heavenly love cannot flow in. A loving Father would always be happy to see His children turn their faces to Him and enjoy His Grace. He can never be hard on anyone. His rope is long, however, as He would not like to administer a hard knock to them.


The Master extends guidance whenever needed both in inner and outer spheres. Everyone is free to come up to Him as a child would run to its father whenever in difficulty, and more so, He would run to the child’s aid whenever necessary.

I have received such glowing tributes for the gracious Master-Power which extends all loving protection to the departing souls.

The episode of dear … is a gesture of His Grace when not only he, but others like dear … saw the physical presence of the Master, escorting Mr … to Sach Khand with a clear message for the mortals left behind.

These are outstanding instances of His Divine Grace which should serve as a beacon light for the newcomers and as a source of inspiration for the initiates to devote regular time to their spiritual practices.

You will appreciate that the devoted and disciplined initiates not only better their own spiritual future, but become a source of inspiration for others to follow their example.


It is not uncommon for a disciple to pass away in such a relaxed manner. A disciple gave clear indication to his family, stating that on the following day he would be ‘going Home’. His family could not understand this, but when they knocked on his door for breakfast, they found he had already left with a smile on his face.

The doctors found that he had left some hours before without any difficulty whatsoever.

Such is the gracious protection extended by the Master-Power for His loving children, that they may leave this physical world fully satisfied and they are granted full protection in the Beyond.


I am glad to find that your soul finds more peace when you meditate and that you always see Master’s smiling face in Light, and also the great Eye of Master Sawan Singh Ji which is a source of great peace, great comfort and full of loving joy. Please try to put in more time for the spiritual practices and when you see the Form of the Master within, absorb your attention fully into His Form, so much so, that you forget yourself entirely. That will develop receptivity and the Master will talk to you as one does outside.


No Perfect Saint has ever failed His disciples. Realize fully, this one will not fail you. Think deeply upon this rare privilege; a Divine dispensation has been granted to you. Master is not the body. He is the Power functioning through the body, and He is using His body to teach and guide man.