Part II / III – IV

Guru: His Need and Functions

A living spirit can be quickened into life only through the living-impulses from a Master-Soul. You may call such a Man by any name you like, but such a Man is necessary. Each religion has testified to the need of such an existence.


Without the help of One Who has truly imbibed the Truth Beyond, no progress can be made in the Way of Spirituality.


Godman is the only True Friend. All worldly connections are severed at the time of death. All friends, all relatives, the wife and children must part. Who is there to accompany you to the other? – the Word personified in the Godman. He helps you in all your undertakings here and hereafter. The Godman receives the initiates at the time of death, when all others fail. Like a never-failing friend, he always holds out His helping hand.


It is always beneficial spiritually to follow the behests of the Master and to be resigned to His Will and Pleasure. Complete surrender invokes His mercy and those who rely upon Him are rewarded abundantly. Everything that comes to you in the Divine dispensation is invariably right for your spiritual progress.


The Master showers blessings through His Looks, which eager ones catch. His Eyes are a wonderful spray of Love. I am happy to hear you experienced a strong emotion of happiness and love in your heart when the Master was with you. Such disciples are indeed blessed.


It is only through a Living Master that one can contact the Almighty God within.


All I need add is that the Christ or God-Power that worked on the selected human pole of Jesus, who was His mouthpiece, works on the chosen Pole of the Living Master from time to time to reclaim and own His dear ones, to guide them and show them the same way to Him.

He is just like an electric bulb which is fused and another is put in its stead. Physical body passes away but the Christ-Power never leaves until the end of the world.

His benign Grace works at all times – past, present and future. Thus the High One works unceasingly at all times through a Living Master.


There are ways and means whereby the yogic may fly to any place they like. Saints do not adopt these methods. They are Word-Personified.


Regarding Gurus and Masters, it may be remembered that everything seeming similar is not the same. Masters abound and from among those highly thought of or talked about preachers, the majority of them will not be found talking of self-experience, though they are able to express the theory side in a thousand different ways with the sweetest words possible. The only criterion for judging is one’s own inner ascent to Spiritual Planes whereby one can see for himself or herself and meet all the Masters, past and present, wherever they may be, in upper or lower planes. If one having experiences of the lower planes thinks and claims to be in the eternal Home, ‘one with Him’ and equal to those who have reached the Ultimate Goal, and begins to teach while he or she has much more to learn and to see, how would you accept him or her? The worst of it is that lay people are easily deceived by the acting and posing of such so-called, self-styled teachers as they are quite clever externally in talking about spiritual matters of which they have only a second-hand knowledge through books or hearsay. Even a loving disposition may be imitated to a great extent. That is the reason that the world is full of masters. 

Christ warns us: 

Beware of false prophets who come in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves.

Those who contact and talk to the Master within see everything in its true light; do not enter into fruitless discussions, but keep silent.


The Master is ever present with you in the God-into-Expression Power of Light and Sound. And the Light at times transforms into the Master’s Radiant Form within. To have inner experiences of Godly Light and Sound is no small thing and really only the fortunate few blessed from above receive them. The more one progresses within, the more he or she becomes aware of the futility and the emptiness of the outer life. The Master comes for yearning souls and works their way up in due course.


The Master ignites the great love on the first day of initiation by granting the gift of holy Naam in celestial Light and Sound Divine. The extent of this gift depends greatly upon the capacity of receptivity of each one. This living fire grows in intensity and volume and gives bliss, serenity and calmness.

This should be kept within like the fire in a kiln – where a leakage would result in unburnt and unripe bricks, in the vernacular of our speech, so that all other desires short of Him are slowly and slowly burned away and eradicated from one’s heart.

The reciprocation is accelerated by abiding in the words of the Master, so much so as to meet the Radiant Master within and hand over oneself for the higher journeys within.

The kind Father’s love for the dear children is immensely great and he wishes to see each one of them come up to Him.


Indeed virtues multiply in abundance when cultivated earnestly. Needless to say to magnetic touch of the gracious Master-Power – the holy Naam – adds a far greater charm and beauty when the disciplined dear ones become a source of help and inspiration for their less-gifted brethren.

A disciplined life full of humility and piety is an asset and should be cultivated and cherished so as to prove what you profess.


Eyes are the windows of the soul. The Lord looks at the suffering humanity in compassion and mercy through the eyes of the Living Master and higher planes are reflected therein. You are fortunate in bearing testimony to the sacred Truth when you realize the sublime depth of spiritual beatitude in His eyes.


‘Divine Mercy’ is a boundless ocean which when stirred with the Grace of a Master surpasses all bounds of human comprehension.

Ever since the child disciple is initiated into the mysteries of the Beyond by the Master, the gracious Master-Power resides with him or her at the Tisra Til and watches everything for the spiritual betterment of him of her, and those who obediently endeavour to abide by His behests are rewarded abundantly, whereas those who cannot do so have to wait longer.

Spiritual evolution is something personal and each one brings with him or her past background to progress, all under the protective guidance of the Living Master.


Your Master is constantly with you extending His protective hand and knows what is best for you. Trust in Him; shake off sadness and carry on steadfastly. He is Competent and Powerful.  He never fails His children.


We enter the Kingdom of God by rising above body-consciousness. A Competent and Practical Living Master is needed to guide the disciple at each step.  

Guru Amar Das says:

No one can know God Except through the Master.


 A Master is a Master. He has a body just like anyone else but he is decidedly a Superior Man who can guide and help you on the way.

The same question was put to Jesus in His life on earth by Phillip:

Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.

Jesus replied:

So long a time have I been with you and you have not known me Phillip? How sayest thou show us the Father? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? I and my Father are one. He that seeth me hath seen the Father. This is what I tell you, I don’t say it of my own accord, but the Father abiding in me, that I am in the Father and the Father is in me.


When the Light is lit, it should not be put under a bushel, but placed in a loving manner where it can attract the attention of seekers after Truth. What must we do to belong to the Army of God? The simple answer is – to walk the way of righteousness. In order to enable us to walk in righteousness we should fill out life with good thoughts, kind words and good deeds.

When one thinks evil thoughts or commits an evil deed, it strengthens the forces of evil. Those who desire to belong to God should feed the Sacred Fire with the fuel of pure thoughts, good words and noble deeds. This will burn away all else except God and Master.

The primary duty of a righteous man is to love his enemy and try to convert him into a friend, teach righteousness to the wicked and spread the Light of Wisdom.


There is no service greater than helping souls find the way to their True Home. In whatsoever sphere selfless and devoted service is directed for this work, it is praiseworthy.

All is holy where devotion kneels. The gracious protection of the Master-Power turns the barren lands into green field by the waters of love.


The Master-Power extends all help to all initiates during the lifetime as well as at the time of departure. I am glad your mother had the same experience. You need not worry about her.


The Master’s love for His children is immeasurable and unfathomable and the more it is enjoyed the more it grows. I wish love and love alone may prevail among the dear children so as to wash away all dirt of duality.